

12月20日 编辑 39baobao.com




主要是由于工业化,出口大量增长。以棉花的发展为lead,然后是煤,丝啊之类的,最后说coal replace the wood 成了主要的fuel.


还有就是得益于bank and finance investment 的发达。


2. 关于art 的


然后人们开始慢慢的认为art 和周围的context没有任何关系。

不过1960s之后,人们又意识到两者是分不开的,举了NY Park的sculpture为例。

3. 植物的density


主要就是讲density的定义,影响因素,以及三种类型:uniform, random, and 介于两者之间的,忘了是什么单词了,不好意思~~~~~~~

4. 考古学

一开始大家考古主要关注那些大的building, monument,tomb之类的,后来开始关注普通人的 house等。







1. 当一个孩子开始上学的时候,你有什么建议给他.

I he a couple of advice for those kids who are about the start school education. First, I wanna say “be sure to absorb more knowledge as much as you can”.since knowledge will be determining factor in your future career success or academic success,especially your academic one. Second I wanna say: “don’t fet to socilize”.since in current society, to be able to he good people skill is also very important. If you know how to deal with the interpersonal relaitonship,that will put you in the best position no matter what you end up doing in the future.

2. 有两个居住的地方:一个是四季分明,一个是没什么变化. 你喜欢哪个?

Personally speaking, I prefer to live in a place with distinct four seasons. I want to do this for the following reasons. first, I’d like to say fall is my forite season among the four seasons. You know, with lees falling off trees,and everything will be putting on their most spectacular color, oh , great. So how can I live in a place without these wonderful things happening out here. Second, if you live in a place without clear seasons demarcation, you will be in a situation where you will be feel tired very easily since changes are the driving forces behind many things , no matter whether it is your career or anything else.

3. 有一封letter建议把新生的orientation从Fall smester的开头改到summer. 女学生不同意这个意见: a. summer中有许多学生都在工作,并且许多人住的离学校很远,如果非要改的话,这些学生可能都不会来参加orientation了; b. 文章中说在Fall semester开始, 学生要买书搬新的宿舍等等很麻烦,但是女学生认为这些都managable,总比不来参加要好; c. 文中说在orientation可以看见新的roomates,但是女学生说即使没有orientation,想联系的话一样可以,比如要email address.

词组句型提示:change from…to… the beginning of fall semester to summer

She is not for the proposalfor the following reasons

He jobs to do live far away from the campus will not be able to make it

He so many things at hands like buying books or moving to new dorms

It is easy to contact with each other through email or something


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