

12月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

Not all of the news is bad,however.There has been some movement toward the conservator society.

On the positive side of the energy ledger,for example,fuel-efficient gasoline-electric hybrid cars are in production and are being increasingly popular;bustion turbines that produce electricitv far more efficiently than those of the past are being introduced;and fuel cell technology has advanced surprisingly fast.① If research support is maintained vigorously,we could see major improvements in the next several decades. There is similar good news in the improved energy performance of lightin9,buildings,and appliances,thanks to advances in materials,puter controls,and construction methods.

Perhaps the best news es from the growing recognition that improved efficiency results not only in reduced demands on resources and lower environmental externality costs,but also in generally reduced costs to consumers.∞As a consequence,resource and energy efficiency are now widely viewed as an attractive option from virtually every perspective--except for automobiles,where smaller,lighter cars are criticized by the industry as being more dangerous than hey sport—utility vehicles.⑦

Of course,the amount of time that has passed since I first offered my observations is but a moment in human history,so perhaps we should not expect great change in things such as global biodiversity, global climate,energy resources,and human population.These phenomena are all characterized bv relatively slow change.But human population has advanced with lightning speed in terms of numbers and economic and environmental activities,so fast that we he probably no more than 100 years left to stabilize population,C02 atmospheric concentrations,biodiversity,and energy systems。to cite but a few items--otherwise,humankind will be forced to settle for a substantially promised future.④

The conservator society can be achieved,hut only by sustained effort.The efforts must be global, but the United States should。by all rights,lead.The first and foremost requirement is to understand that our traditional exponential model of progress is,at best,anachronistic and desperately needs to be succeeded by an equilibrium model.o The second requirement is to devise fl new economic perspective that incorporates environmental COSTS and benefits into national accounts,so that these factors are considered in making market decisions.

Let’s face it:Humans are not only the most powerful members of Earth’s munity;we arguably are also the most intelligent and creative.Thus,it is in our grasp to creatively and productively build an ever more attractive future for ourselves,our descendants,and for the rest of the biosphere.But right now,we can be more accurately described as the most invasive and exotic species ever imagined.Surely, we can and must do better.[444 words]

1.All of the following can serve as the evidence of the movement toward the conservator society, EXCEPT______.

A.the improvement of ruel cell technology

B.fuel-efficient gasoline-electric hybrid cars

C.major improvements in the next several decades

D.the improved energy performance of lightin9,buildings,and appliances

2.The main idea of the 4th paragraph is that______.

A.the conservator society cannot be achieved without sustained effort

B.humankind is facing fl dim future

C.the change of human population is very fast

D.the change of human population is relatively slow

3.It can be learned from this text that the conservator society______.

A.can surely be achieved in no more than l 00 years

B.can be considered a substantially promised future

C.needs to be succeeded by the leading role of the U.S.

D.can hardly be achieved without the efforts of the U.S.

4.The author’s attitude toward the achievement of the conservator society is______.





5.Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A.Signs of Promise

B.The Conservator Society

C.Resource and Energy Efficiency

D.Building an Ever More Attractive Future



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