
我的幸运日My Lucky Day

12月17日 编辑 39baobao.com


tell me what you saw that was so bad

tell me all the reasons

why you made me so sad

i wish that i was like you

and i'm sorry that i'm not

at least i still he hope

i guess that's all i've got


i know you must be happy

thrilled that i'm not there

yet i know that i will make it

make it good for me out here

and soon i will be smiling

everything will be okay

i'll not worry anymore

that will be my lucky day

i wish that you'd seen something

special 'bout me too

that you would think of something else

not just the way i look to you

i don't see what you see

how different can i be

and why does it really matter

i'm just being me


i know you must be happy

thrilled that i'm not there

yet i know that i will make it

make it good for me out here

and soon i will be smiling

everything will be okay

i'll not worry anymore

that will be my lucky day

i don't see what you see

how different can i be

and why does it really matter

i'm just being me


三个幸运从前,有一个父亲把他的三个儿子叫到一起,给了大儿子一只公鸡,二儿子一把长柄镰刀,三儿子一只猫,然后说道: 我老了,快不行了,我死之前还得为你们预备点东西。钱我是没有的,现在我给你...


我的幸运一天【设计意图】 绘本讲述的是一个小猪误闯了狐狸家,小猪在危险时刻,沉着冷静,用自己的智慧逃离险境,使贪婪狐狸幸运的一天竟变成了小猪幸运的一天。大班幼儿具有初步的推理、表达...
