

12月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[找工不想吃闭门羹]中国入世、外资公司融入国内、开放的中国华南广东沿海一带,科技信息一日千里。IT 行业似乎一枝独秀,国内雇主高喊"人手不足,员工难求"。事实上,美国市场研究社(IDC)亦预期,在2002年...+阅读

I’m wondering if the lack of human intervention changes us a little bit on the inside. A little bit of seclusion never hurt anyone, but homeworkers deal with something pletely different. I found this study that further confirms my suspicions:

In-person contact stimulates an emotional reaction,” explains Lawrence Honig, a neurologist at Columbia-Presbyterian Eastside, a New York hospital. Bonding hormones are higher when people are face-to-face. And some scientists think face-to-face contact stimulates dopamine, the attention and pleasure neurotransmitter, and serotonin, the neurotransmitter that reduces fear and worry.

It’s hard to interact with people when there’s no one at home!

So my question is this: He you home workers noticed any changes in your mood, perception, or work styles without as much human contact? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the ments below.



