

12月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[夏天出生的宝宝要戴帽子吗]夏天出生的宝宝要戴帽子吗?夏天出生的宝宝是需要戴帽子的。原因:1、 炎热的夏季,很多父母都让宝宝的头部裸露着,认为给宝宝戴上帽子会更热,就不给新生宝宝戴帽子。其实还是需...+阅读

CUSTOMER: I bought two expensive

dictionaries here half

and hour ago, but I fot

to take them with me.

MANAGER: Who served you, sir?

CUSTOMER: The lady who is standing

behind the counter.

MANAGER: Which books did you buy?

CUSTOMER: The books which are on

the counter.

MANAGER: Did you serve this gentleman

half an hour ago, Caroline?

He says he's the man who

bought these books.

CUSTOMER: I can't remember.

The man who I served was

wearing a hat.

MANAGER: He you got a hat, sir?

CUSTOMER: Yes, I he.

MANAGER: Would you put it on, please?

CUSTOMER: All right.

MANAGER: Is this the man that you

served, Caroline?


I recognize him now.参考译文

顾 客:半小时以前我在这里买了两本很


经 理:是谁接待您的,先生?

顾 客:站在柜台后面的那位女士。

经 理:您买的是两本什么书?

顾 客:就是柜台上的那两本。

经 理:卡罗琳,半小时前你接待过这位先生




经 理:先生,您有帽子吗?

顾 客:有的,我有帽子。

经 理:请您把帽子戴上好吗?

顾 客:好吧。

经 理:卡罗琳,





新概念英语否定句的用法新概念英语:否定句(l)be动词的否定句I am not hungry.我不饿。Sha isnt a nurse.她不是护士。(2)情态动词的否定句句型:主语+情态动词+not+动词原形I can not do it my...


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新概念英语第一册Lesson 3 Sorry, sir[词汇](10) umbrella n.伞 please int.请 here adv.这里 my possessive adjective 我的 ticket n.票 number n.号码 five num.五 sorry adj.对不起的 sir n.先生 cloakroom...

新概念英语第一册Lesson 47 A cup of coffe[词汇](2) like v. 喜欢,想要 want v. 想 ★like v. 喜欢,想要 ① v. 喜欢 ② v. 想要;希望有 Would you like some coffee? ★want v. 想 ① v. 想要;希望 want sb. to do sth....
