

12月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何改变宝宝的坏脾气]我的宝宝1岁了,可是脾气特别坏,一点耐性都没有,在以后的生活中应该怎样引导他 怎样改变宝贝的坏脾气 经过求助于专业人员,秋安的爸爸妈妈改进了教育策略。每当秋安发脾气的时...+阅读

The wisdom of one word


Isn't it amazing how one person, sharing one idea, at the right time and place can change the course of your life's history? This is certainly what happened in my life. When I was 14, I was hitchhiking from Houston, Texas, through El Paso on my way to California. I was following my dream, journeying with the sun. I was a high school dropout with learning disabilities and was set on surfing the biggest wes in the world, first in California and then in Hawaii, where I would later live.


Upon reaching downtown El Paso, I met an old man, a bum, on the street corner. He saw me walking, stopped me and questioned me as I passed by. He asked me if I was running away from home, I suppose because I looked so young. I told him, "Not exactly, sir," since my father had given me a ride to the freeway in Houston and given me his blessings while saying, "It is important to follow your dream and what is in your heart. Son. "


The bum then asked me if he could buy me a cup of coffee. I told him, "No, sir, but a soda would be great." We walked to a corner malt shop and sat down on a couple of swiveling stools while we enjoyed our drinks.


After conversing for a few minutes, the friendly bum told me to follow him. He told me that he had something grand to show me and share with me. We walked a couple of blocks until we came upon the downtown El Paso Public Library.


We walked up its front steps and stopped at a small information stand. Here the bum spoke to a smiling old lady, and asked her if she would be kind enough to watch my things for a moment while he and I entered the library. I left my belongings with this grandmotherly figure and entered into this magnificent hall of learning.


The bum first led me to a table and asked me to sit down and wait for a moment while he looked for something special amongst the shelves. A few moments later, he returned with a couple of old books under his arms and set them on the table. He then sat down beside me and spoke. He started with a few statements that were very special and that changed my life. He said, "There are two things that I want to teach you, young man, and they are these:


"Number one is to never judge a book by its cover, for a cover can fool you. "He followed with, "I ll bet you think I m a bum, don t you, young man?"


I said, "Well, uh, yes, I guess so, sir. "


"Well, young man, I ve got a little surprise for you. I am one of the wealthiest men in the world. I he probably everything any man could ever want. I originally e from the Northeast and he all the things that money can buy. But a year ago, my wife passed away, bless her soul, and since then I he been deeply reflecting upon life. I realized there were certain things I had not yet experienced in life,one of which was what it would be like to live like a bum on the streets. I made a mitment11 to myself to do exactly that for one year. For the past year.1 he been going from city to city doing just that. So, you see, don t ever judge a book by its cover, for a cover can fool you.


"Number two is to learn how to read, my boy. For there is only one thing that people can t take away from you, and that is your wisdom. " At that moment, he reached forward, grabbed my right hand in his and put them upon the books he d pulled from the shelves. They were the writings of Plato and Aristotle-immortal classics from ancient times.


The bum then led me back past the smiling old woman near the entrance, down the steps and back on the streets near where we first met. His parting request was for me to never fet what he taught me.

I hen't.




用道德改变邵晓棚45, 打开窗户,一阵微风轻轻拂过面庞,让我的内心也平静下来,依靠在椅背上,缓缓闭上了双眼。 今天放假,早早的就出门来到图书馆,今天的事情都好像朝着好的方向发展。可不幸的事...

用心改变曹煜涵,时代改变着我们的衣食住行,而我们也随着时间的点点滴滴改变着,改变着。 宝贝,我把我所有的爱和一切都给了你,就差一颗心没有掏给你,我不求回报,我只希望你能感受到我的改变...


我们的相遇改变了我熊嘉麒,在人生的路途中,总是有着许许多多的遇见,不论是一个人,一件事,或是一个物。其中,有些遇见可能令你印象深刻,甚至能改变你的人生轨迹,使你走上与之前截然不同的道路。 我们相...

用可温存暖阳的笑容改变朱忆楠, 晶莹的小水珠洒在了绿油油的青椒上,这是一个个小精灵在绿色的舞台上唱着歌,而不时会有人因为被他们歌声吸引所偷偷的带回家。小水珠散发出那种可温存暖阳的笑容,很识趣...


阅读,从改变开始——读《朗读手册》有感新沂市机关幼儿园 薄惠琳, 你或许拥有无限财富,一箱箱的珠宝与一柜柜的黄金,但你永远不会比我富有,我有一位读书给我听的妈妈。 第一次听到这段话,是在一次萤火虫亲子阅读活动中,...
