

12月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

我的好爸爸(My good father)

I he the best father in the world. His name is Ivan.

My dad has black, short hair as the rain clouds, that you he never seen before. Some times I think his hair make him look like a chicken! His big, brown eyes are always looking at books, that’s why he is very clever. He works very hard at his job. He always sleep at one or two clock at night. In that time I’m in the land of dreams. He has a big mouth, he eats a lot. He is very strong. My father likes wearing T-shirt and jeans, that made him looked more strong and tall.

When he has noting to do, he will play with me, when he plays with me, he will be a kid like me. We play basketball and run. I always win, I know that my dad is very good at basketball and running, but why I still win? Who can tell me? My dad is very good at sport. At the summer holiday he and me always go to the swimming pool and teach me swimming. First I was so scared and don’t want to swim! Dad talks to me, swim is very easy. I know that I need to believe him, so I do it. After a holiday I learn how to swim! I’m so happy!

My father is a teacher at school and home. He teaches me maths and English even when he is very, very busy. When I don’t anything, he is will came and tell me. He also teaches me on maths that I hen’t learn it yet. He makes me like learn the fun maths and the great English. Before that he didn’t teach me at all, I thought maths and English were boring things that I never want to do. So I didn’t finish my homework and be lazy. But when dad talks to me about this, I he change my idea. I never think English and math is boring anymore. Now I always finish my homework and do more about math and English. My teacher was very pleased to see that, so was me. But first I need to thank you my father, if isn’t him teaching me, I still would be lazy Cicily all the time.

My father is very good at cooking, like my mother. He always made yummy food for me. I love eating his food me. I love eating his food that he made. His food made me tall and strong.

My dad is also very good at puter too. At the weekend, if we do go out, then me and him will both play puter together. He tell me about puter’s information.

My father is a nice people. He is very kind and friendly to everyone, people that he even doesn’t know. Once, me and father go to shopping, we saw a boy hurt himself and cry by the shop door. Dad went to the boy and told him jokes, the boy stopped crying and smiled. Then he e to me said: “you really he a good father!”

My father also is funny person. He always tells me jokes at night when I go to bed. That make me feel happy and he a good dream at night.

I think my father is the best father in the world, he clever, he strong, he funny……

I love my dad!!!



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