

03月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

学英语的意义 The Meaning of Learning EnglishThere is no doubt that English is the most widely used language. In China, students he to learn it since they enter the primary school, even in some families, parents will hire tutors to help improve their childrens English level. The meaning of learning English is obvious.不可否认,英语是使用最广泛的语言。在中国,学生自从进入小学后就开始要学习英语了,甚至在一些家庭中,父母会雇家教来帮助他们的小孩提高英语水平。

学习英语的意义是显而易见的。First, we need to keep pace with the time. When everybody is speaking English, if we dont follow them, then we will be kicked out. Today, the world is globalized, people seek for cooperation, especially for the business. Mastering the English provides people chances to do the business and enlarge their business.首先,我们需要与时俱进。当每个人都在说英语的时候,如果我们无法跟上潮流,就会被淘汰。今天是全球化的世界,大家都在寻求合作,特别是商务方面。

掌握英语给商务提供了机会,扩大的业务范围。Second, English as the mon language provides people the stage to understand each other. When I trel abroad, I like to talk to the local people. No matter which country I go, everybody admits to municate in English. We learn each others culture and talk happily. As I master English, I can go anywhere, munication is not the problem to stop me.第二,英语作为通用语言为人们之间相互理解提供了舞台。我出国旅游的时候,我喜欢和当地人交流。

无论我去哪个国家,大家都默认用英语交流。我们了解彼此的文化还聊得很开心。因为我掌握了英语,所以我可以去任何地方,沟通完全不是阻挡我的障碍。As English is so important and practical, we should learn as much as we could, so as to make better preparation for our future.英语是如此的重要和实用,我们应该尽可能地多学习,以便更好地为我们的未来做准备。最好的对手 The Best RivalSuper Dan and his lifetime rival Lee Chongwei met in the olympic games again. They had been in the same situation twice and Super Dan won at last. Everybody kept their eyes on this big match, but this time, Lee defeated Lin Dan and all the people ge them their biggest applause.超级丹和他一生的对手李宗伟在奥运会上再次相遇。

他们已经试过两次在这样的场景下相遇了,不过最后都是超级丹赢得了胜利。每个人都在关注这个大赛,但是这一次,李击败了林丹,所有人都给予他们最热烈的掌声。Lin Dan is the superstar in badminton, so as Lee. They are the best two badminton players all the time. When they met in the final match, the petition would be very intense. Lin Dan won the championship in the grand slam, while Lee only defeated Lin in the small game. Lee always lack of a grand slam to prove himself.林丹是羽毛球比赛的巨星,李宗伟也是。

他们是最好的羽毛球选手,所以当他们在决赛相遇时,竞争会非常激烈。林丹赢得过大满贯,而李只在小比赛中打败过林丹。李一直缺乏一个大满贯来证明自己。In 2012, Lin Dan still defeated Lee and won the championship in London Olympic Games. Lee was very disappointed but he decided to insist. Now both of them are not young anymore, and they met in the Rio olympic games. Lee defeated his lifetime rival Lin. No matter which won, everybody did not care about the result, they just enjoyed the big match.2012年,林丹仍然击败了李,赢得了伦敦奥运会的冠军。

李非常失望,但是他决定坚持。现在他们两人都不再年轻了,却在里约热内卢奥运会相遇。李打败了他一生的竞争对手林。无论谁赢,观众都不在乎,他们就享受观看这样的大比赛。Lin and Lee are best rivals, and they get improved by peting with each other. They deserve the biggest applause.林和李是最好的对手,他们通过相互竞争来提高彼此水平。他们应该得到最响亮的掌声。美的定义 The Definition of BeautyEvery year, there are different kinds of beauty pageants and the champions will be definitely the shinning stars. However, as time past, people he seen so many beauties and they start to he higher expectation. Beauty pageant is no longer the big event, and the audience laugh at the result and are picky about these champions. The real beauty should not be defined by appearance.每年都有各种各样的选美比赛,冠军肯定会成为耀眼的明星。

但随着时间的流逝,人们见的美女多了,期望开始变高。选美比赛不再是大事情,观众会嘲笑比赛的结果,挑剔冠军。真正的美不应该只通过外貌来定义。Recently, a beauty pageant was held in Michigan, America. The girl who was born in China won the champion and became Miss Michigan. It sounded like a great trip for her, but people were critical about her appearance. They said that she was so ugly. However, if the audience had seen the petition, they must appreciate her, because she was very smart and elegant, which made her the shinning star.最近,在美国的密歇根州举行了一场选美大赛。

出生在中国的一个女孩赢得了冠军,成为了密歇根州小姐。对她来说这似乎是一场愉快的旅行,但人们对她的外表进行了批判,说她不好看。但是如果观众看过比赛,他们必然会欣赏她,因为她很聪明也很优雅,这也是她成为耀眼的明星的原因。The definition of beauty is no longer judged from appearance, and only the charm from inside can make a girl be attractive. Of course, wisdom is also in need, which makes a pretty face stand out, or people will fet it easily.美丽的定义不再仅仅从外表评价,只有内在美才能让一个女孩具有吸引力。




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