

12月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[全国公共英语考试语法——不定式主语]1) It's easy (for me) to do that.我做这事太容易了 easy, difficult, hard, important, possible, impossible, fortable, necessary, better; the first, the next, the l...+阅读

2 今日句型: You are...

王牌例句:You are crazy.


T1:You are great!

T2:You are hopeless!

T3:You are out of your mind!


1 You are too much!

2 Tou are impossible!

3 You are a son of a 娃哈哈.

4 You are a dead man!

5 You are disguesting.

6 You are such a nuisance.

7 you are fired.

8 you are the worst.

9 You are abnormal.

10 You are so frustrating.

11 You are so foolish.

12 You are beyond hope.

13 You are nothing/nobody.

14 You are useless/worthless.

15 You are good for nothing.

16 You are such a jerk.

17 You are daydreaming.

18 You are a pain in the ass.

19 Hey! you are a big help.

20 You are a loser.

21 You are the stupidest guy I he ever met!

22 You are too careless!

23 You are getting on my nerves!

24 You are so selfish.

25 You are so annoying.

26 You are too blame.

27 You are going to make it.

28 You are going to win.

29 You are my only hope.

30 You are almost there.Keep trying.Stick to it.

31 you are the best.

32 you are fantastic.

33 You are specisal.

34 You are amazing.

35 You are incredible.

36 You are one in a million.

37 You are so chever.

38 You are perfect!

39 you are a genius.

40 you are a nice guy.

41 you are really something.

42 you are a lucky dog!

43 You are everything to me.

44 You are so sweet.

45 You are my abgle.

46 You are so kind.

47 You are so considerate!

48 You are the one of me.

49 You are the prettiest girl in the world.

50 you are mine.I/'m yours.

51 You are breaking my heart.

52 You are sexy.

53 You are so hot.

54 You are turning me on.

55 You are kidding.

56 You are making fun of me.

57 You are liar.

58 You are a snake.

59 you are unbelievable.

60 You are always wrong.

61 You are always in trouble.

62 you are a mess.

63 You are shame to our family.

64 you are an embarrassment.

65 you are a disgrace.

66 a:Thank you so much.

b:You are wele.


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全国公共英语考试语法——动名词动名词主语、宾语和表语 1)作主语 Fighting broke out between the South and the North. 南方与北方开战了。 2)作宾语 a. 动词后加动名词doing作宾语 V. + doing sth admi...
