

11月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[日本一桥大学留学租房科普贴Hitotsubashi University]在日本,租房的时候,最常见的房源就是学生公寓和普通公寓,学生公寓就是指那些只允许学生租住的公寓,所以安全性比较高;而普通公寓对租客没有特别要求,而且这种公寓的选择比较多,小伙...+阅读

在纽约上大学的Michael明天要考试,可是他的中国同学李华一定要他去参加一个聚会。李华今天学到的两个常用语是:hit 和to roll。


M: Yeah, he's the hit of all these parties.


M: No, "hit" here means he is the most popular person at these parties. "Hit" is a word used to describe someone or something that makes a forable impression.


M: Yeah, things can also be called a hit. For instance, you can say "that song is a hit with teenagers".

L:对了,有的歌曲非常热门,这也能称为hit。你刚才说:“That song is a hit with teeangers”, 意思是:“青少年特别喜欢的一首歌。” 这么说,“年轻人喜欢的一首歌”就是……

M: That song is a hit with young people.


M: Yes, you can! A hit TV program.


M: No, that's not true!

L:我认识的女孩都说你很帅!我想她们那么喜欢你,你恐怕还不知道自己是a hit with girls!

M: Oh, stop it, Li Hua! You're embarrassing me.



M: Yeah, the people here are pretty cool, but I'm getting tired. I've got a test tomorrow that I hen't prepared for yet. Do you think we can go pretty soon?


M: Okay, let's roll!

L:什么?Let's roll?滚回去啊?

M: Oh no, "let's roll" here means "let's lee!"

L:To roll也能表示要离开?

M: Yes, if you're doing one thing, you can say "to roll" when you want to start something new.

L:等等,让我看看我是不是懂你的意思了。要是你在做一件事,过了一会儿,你不想继续做下去,而是想做别的事了,这时你就可以说to roll。

M: That's correct.

L:怪不得上次开舞会的时候,我们班上的那个高个子Gee对他的女朋友说:Let's roll!后来我听说他们去看电影了。当时我还听不懂let's roll是什么意思。

M: "Let's roll" is very popular, especially among young people. Well, Li Hua, I really do think it's time to roll.


M :A hit singer will be ing? I'd like to stay, but I really he to prepare for my test.


M+L:Let's roll!

今天李华学的一个常用语是:hit,这是指受欢迎的,人们喜欢的人或东西;另一个常用语是:to roll,也就是开始准备做一件事。


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