

12月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[伯南克称美联储准备大力降息]美联储(Fed)主席本?伯南克(Ben Bernanke)的措辞出现明显变化,他昨日表示,美联储准备大力降息,以避免美国经济出现衰退的风险。In a dramatic change of tone, Ben Bernanke ye...+阅读


European central banks are standing ready this week to stem the turmoil in money and credit markets after the US Federal Reserve moved on Friday to make direct loans ailable to banks on fourable terms and hinted at an interest rate cut.

在美联储改变策略后,金融市场大幅反弹。如果美联储此举本周能够平定美国投资者的情绪,那么,欧洲各央行可能也会仿效该做法,确保减轻欧洲投资者的担忧。 Financial markets rallied after the Fed’s change of course and, if the move calms US nerves this week, European central bankers are likely to follow to ensure anxieties are soothed there as well.


At the end of last week, overnight interbank money market interest rates in the eurozone – the cost to banks of borrowing overnight from their counterparts – had returned to normal at just above the European Central Bank’s 4 per cent policy rate. But three-month rates stayed higher than normal at 4.65 per cent.

伦敦银行间隔夜拆息为6.3%,3个月期利率为6.7%,远高于英国央行(bank of England)设定的5.75%的主导利率。

London interbank rates were 6.3 per cent overnight and 6.7 per cent at a three-month maturity, well above the bank of England’s 5.75 per cent main rate of interest.


With normality far from being restored yet, central bankers insist that they can take further action if circumstances merit.


Short of changing rates, the European Central Bank can lend at longer maturities, reducing the need for its banks to access more expensive funds in the markets.


Although the Bank of England is trying to oid being the first port of call for banks, if unusual market rates persist, it would act to secure its objective for “overnight market interest rates to be in line with the Bank’s official rate”.


Central banks’ willingness to act follows three weeks of turmoil in which much of the financial system has bee gummed up as fearful investors he refused to lend.


The Fed will look for signs that its moves he stopped the contagion. Officials are not expecting any quick recovery in credit market conditions, or in broad market confidence.


Central bankers are also nervous that their powers to stem this crisis of confidence are limited, since even good quality credit cannot find ready purchasers. One noted the veracity of a market observer who said that in these circumstances, any action taken by a central bank was immaterial.
