

11月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读


When one uses the scientific method to study or investigate nature or the universe, one is practicing scientific thinking. All scientists practice scientific thinking, of course, since they are actively studying nature and investigating the universe by using the scientific method. But scientific thinking is not reservedsolely for scientists. (1)Anyone can "think like a scientist" who learns the scientific method and, most importantly, applies its precepts, whether he or she is investigating nature or not. (2)When one uses the methods and principles of scientific thinking in everyday life--such as when studying history or literature, investigating societies or governments, seeking solutions to problems of economics or philosophy, or just trying to answer personal questions about oneself or the meaning of existence-one is said to be practicing critical thinking. Critical thinking is thinking correctly for oneself that successfully leads to the most reliable answers to questions and solutions to problems. In other words, critical thinking gives you reliable knowledge about all aspects of your life and society, and is not restricted to the formal study of nature.

Some professionals in the humanities, social sciences, jurisprudence, business; and journalism practice critical thinking as well as any scientist, but many, alas, do not. (3)Scientists must practice critical thinking to be successful, but the qualifications for success in other professions do not necessarily require the use of critical thinking, a fact that is the source of much confusion, discord, and unhappiness in our society.

The scientific method has proven to be the most reliable and successful method of thinking in human history, and it is quite possible to use scientific thinking in other human endeors. For this reason, critical thinking is being taught in schools throughout the United States, and its teaching is being encouraged as a universal ideal. (4)The important point is this: critical thinking is perhaps the most important skill a student can learn in school and college, since if you master its skills, you know how to think successfully and reach reliable conclusions, and such ability will prove valuable in any human endeor, including the humanities, social sciences, merce, law, journalism, and government, as well as in scholarly and scientific pursuits. (5)Since critical thinking and scientific thinking are, as I claim, the same thing, only applied for different purposes, it is therefore reasonable to believe that if one learns scientific thinking in a science class, one learns, at the same time, the most important skill a student can possess--critical thinking. This, to my mind, is perhaps the foremost reason for college students to study science, no matter what on&s eventual major, interest, or profession. [436 words]


(1)Anyone can“think like a scientist”[who learns the scientific method and,most importantly。

applies its precepts,(whether he or she is investigating nature or not)].

(2)[When one uses the methods and principles of scientific thinking in everyday life—such as(when studying history or literature,investigating societies or governments,seeking solutions to problems of economics or philosophy,or just trying to answer personal questions about oneself or the meaning of existence)]一one is said to be practicing critical thinking.

(3)Scientists must practice critical thinking to be successful。But the qualifications for success in other profes—sions do not necessarily require the use of critical thinkin9,fl fact[that is the source of much confusion,discord, and unhappiness in our society].

(4)The important point is this:critical thinking is perhaps the most important skill a student can learn in school and college],Esince (if you master its skills),you know(how to think successfully and reach reliable conclu— sions),andsuch ability will prove valuablein any human endeor,including the humanities,social sciences。merce,law,journalism,and government,fls well as in scholarly and scientific pursuits].

(5)[Since critical thinking and scientific thinking are,as I claim,the same thing,(only applied for different purposes)],it is therefore reasonable[to believe(that if one learns scientific thinking in a science class),one learns,at the same time,the most important skill(a student can possess)一critical thinking]]. 全文翻译






(2)一个人在每日生活中,比如,学习历史或文学时,研究社会或政府管理时,寻求解决经济学或哲学问题时,或者 只是试图回答有关自己或人生意义等个人问题时,应用了科学思想方法和原则,就可以说,他在进行严谨的 思维。

(3)科学家的思维必须严谨才能取得成功。但是,在其他行业取得成功并不一定要求具备严谨思维能力。这个事 实是造成社会中许多混乱、分歧和烦恼的根源。

(4)关键在于:严谨思维是学生在学校中能够学会的最重要技能。因为,如果你掌握了这种技能,你就知道如何正 确思考问题并得出可靠结论;这种能力不仅在学术和科学研究领域,而且在人类活动的任何领域,包括人文学 科、社会科学、商业、法律、新闻,以及政府管理等,都极其宝贵。

(5)正如我所说,严谨思维和科学思维是同一回事,只是用于解决不同问题。因此,有理由认为,如果一个人在科学 课上学会了科学思维,那么,与此同时,也就学会了一个学生应该具备的最重要技能——严谨思维能力。


Jurisprudence n.法学,法理学

discord n.不一致,分歧;争论



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