

12月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[病人给医生的感谢信模板大全2020]病人给医生的感谢信模板1 第一人民医院领导: 您们好! 我是眼科三楼32床病人某的家属,20某年12曰11日由于工作事故在贵院贵科治疗,治疗期间,贵科的医生、护士们在我心里留下了深...+阅读

1. ________________________ (还要经过一段时间),before he would see his father again.

2. They could hardly keep themselves alive, ____________________ (更别提照顾老婆孩子).

3. I tend to feel that the fact ______________________ (和你以前告诉我的不一致).

4. My father seemed to __________________ (没心情看我的学校成绩报告单).

5. Putting in a new window will _____________________ (拆除部分屋顶).


1. It was going to be some time (还要经过一段时间),before he would see his father again.

(本题考查句子的语法结构,句型:It is +时间+before 表示“…之后…才”)

2. They could hardly keep themselves alive, let alone look after a wife and children (更别提照顾老婆孩子)

(本题考查let alone 的用法,意思是“更别提”,考试大后接动词原型)

3. I tend to feel that the fact is not consistent with what you told me before (和你以前告诉我的不一致)

(本题考查形容词的用法,be consistent with为固定搭配,意思是“与…一致”)

4. My father seemed to be in no mood to look at my school report (没心情看我的学校成绩报告单)

(本题考查固定词组“be in no mood to”意思是“没有做…的心情”)

5. Putting in a new window will involve cutting away part of the roof (拆除部分屋顶)

(本题考查involve doing sth的用法,involve后接动名词,意思是“涉及,卷入”)

