

11月10日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

In those parts of the pla that might once he been described as Christendom, this week marks the season of peace on Earth and goodwill towards men. A nice idea in a world more usually thought of as seasoned by the survival of the fittest. But goodwill and collaboration are as much part of the human condition as ill-will and petition. And that was a puzzle to 19th-century disciples of Charles Darwin, such as Herbert Spencer.

It was Spencer, an early contributor to The Economist, who invented that poisoned phrase,survival of the fittest. He originally applied it to the winnowing of firms in the harsh winds of high- Victorian capitalism, but when Darwin's masterwork, On the Origin of Species, was published, he quickly saw the parallel with natural selection and transferred his bon mot to the process of evolution, As a result, he became one of the band of philosophers known as social Darwinists. Capitalists all, they took what they thought were the lessons of Darwin's book and applied them to human society. Their hard-hearted conclusion, of which a 17th-century religious puritan might he been proud, was that people got what they deserved--albeit that the criterion of desert was geic, rather than moral.

The fittest not only survived, but prospered. Moreover, the social Darwinists thought that measures to help the poor were wasted, since such people were obviously unfit and thus doomed to sink.

Sadly, the slur stuck. For 100 years Darwinism was associated with a particularly harsh and unpleasant view of the world and, worse, one that was clearly not true--at least, not the whole truth. People certainly pete, but they collaborate, too. They also he passion for the fallen and frequently try to help them, rather than treading on them. For this sort of behiour, On the Origin of Species had no explanation. As a result, Darwinism had to tiptoe round the issue of how human society and behiour evolved. Instead, the disciples of a second 19th-century creed, Marxism, dominated academic sociology departments with their cuddly collectivist ideas--even if the practical application of those ideas has been even more catastrophic than social Darwinism was. [359 words]

1. It is implied in the text that______accords with the survival of the fittest.

A. the zeal for petition

B. the zeal for collaboration

C. the season of peace

D. the world of Christianity

2. It was Darwin who first put forward the idea of______

A. human species

B. natural selection

C. survival of the fittest

D. goodwill towards men

3. It is TRUE that______

A. people got what they deserved

B. there is no good helping the poor

C. the fittest survived, and prospered

D. Spencer was a famous philosopher

4. It is obvious that______is inconsistent with Darwinism.

A. the doom of the poor people

B. the prosperity of the rich people

C. the friendly social cooperation

D. the cruel trade petition

5. The author believes that______

A. social Darwinism is behind the times

B. neither Marxism nor social Darwinism is faultless

C. Marxism is superior to social Darwinism

D. Marxism is more practical than social Darwinism


①In those parts of the pla[that might once he been described as“Christendom”],this week marks”the sea— son of peace on Earth and”goodwill towards men.A nice idea in a world Emore usually thought of as seasoned by the survival of the fittest].




②”He originally applied it to the winnowing of firms in the harsh winds of high—Victorian capitalism,but [when Darwin’S masterwork,“0n the Origin of Species”,was published],he quickly saw the parallel with natural se— lection and transferred his bon mot tO the process of evolution.



③Their hard-hearted conclusion,[of which a l7th—century religious puritan might he been proud],was[that

people got(what they deserved)]一albeit[that the criterion of desert was geic,ratt acr than moral].



④For 100 years Darwinism was associated with a particularly harsh and unpleasant view of the world and,worse, one[that was clearly not true at least,not the whole truth].

【结构】方括号部分是“one”的后置定语从句。代词“0ne”指“view of the world”。







albeit conj.虽然

bon mot(法)机智的话

Christendom n.基督教徒(集合称),基督教界

Creed n.信条

Cuddly adj.令人想拥抱的,喜爱抚的

desert n.沙漠,应得的赏罚,功过

Disciple n.信徒,弟子,门徒

hard—hearted adj.硬心肠的,无情的,冷酷的

puritan n.清教徒

seasonea adj.经验丰富的,老练的

slur n.污点

tiptoe vi.用脚尖走

tread vi.踏,行走,踩碎,践踏,交尾

winnow vt.簸,扬(谷),吹开糠皮,吹掉,精选

参考答案:1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.B



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