

11月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[一级建造师铁路工程模拟试卷二]三、案例分析题(共5题,前3题各20分,后2题各30分) (一) 背景资料 某项铁路工程项目为营业线线路,根据实际地形还需设计桥涵、隧道等,下面就施工安全控制的有关内容提出以下问题 问题:...+阅读


First read the following questions.

86. For whom the short term insurance program is NOT ideal?

A. Underemployed people.

B. Unemployed people.

C. Part-time jobholders.

D. Graduating students.

87. Who is eligible for the short term health insurance?

A. Female, 30 years old, healthy, pregnant.

B. Male, 23 years old, healthy, basketball player.

C. Female, 59 years old, healthy, doctor.

D. Male, 18 years old, healthy, pilot.

Now skim the passage below and mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

Short term health insurance is a special form of insurance with certain eligibility criteria. It is strictly an indemnity plan and has high limits of maximum coverage ( 1-2 million). There are several co-insurance and deductible options with appropriate relative premiums.There are many different types of people for whom short term insurance is ideal:

*People between jobs. 

*People laid-off from work. 

*People graduating from college. 

*Students who are no longer eligible under their parents’ health insurance.

*People waiting for their own Group Insurance eligibility. Short term insurance has certain eligibility requirements (although these may vary from carrier to carrier). You are eligible if:

*You are healthy and free of pre-existing conditions. 

*You are between 15 days and 65 years old. Consequently, you are not eligible if:

*You he pre-existing health conditions excluded by your short term insurance carrier. 

*You received medical consultation or treatment within last five years for serious conditions (i.e. heart attack, stroke, leukemia, cancer, etc.). 

*You’ve been denied insurance for health reasons. 

*You are currently pregnant. 

*You he membership in any other medical insurance, HMO or other healthcare service plan (including retroactive effective ones). 

*You train or play in professional or college sports. 

*You work in a hazardous industry (i.e. construction, iation, etc.).


First read the following questions.

88. What is the style of the passage?

A. Narration.

B. Deion.

C. Advertising.

D. Prose.

89. How many pictures can the watch store?

A. 50.B. 100.C. 4.D. 25.

90. Which function of the Wrist Watch Camera is NOT provided?

A. It can be used as a watch.

B. It can take color pictures.

C. It can upload the pictures to a PC with the Kit.

D. It can be used as a camera.

Now skim the passage below and mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.


 199.00! For the person who’s got to he the latest and best of all gadgets...THIS IS IT! UNBELIEVEABLY COOL! A wrist watch and a DIGITAL CAMERA. Imagine always hing a camera with you. The usage is unlimited. Taking a picture of your loved ones, take a snapshot of a license plate of a car, photograph a URL in a magazine so you can check it out later, taking photos of a Porsche you want to buy but want to show it to your wife first, catching somebody red handed, and so on. In camera mode the watch display works like a little Video Screen. The screen shows in Real-time what the lens on the side of the watch is picking up. By pressing the shutter button a picture is taken. The watch stores 100 black and white images.....no developing necessary!! For a limited time only we are giving away FREE a software kit with each Camera Watch that enables you to upload the pictures to a PC, this is a  50 value. The Kit works for Windows 95/98/NT 4.0 and lets you anize your pictures, email them to others and it even has a Screenser function where you can display your downloaded images as your screenser. The Casio Wrist Camera is the musthegadget of the year!


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