

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[电信优秀员工发言稿]优秀电信员工演讲稿一尊敬的各位领导、各位评委、各位来宾:大家好!我叫宗强,来自抚州分公司网操中心,我演讲的题目是:超越平凡,做最好的自己。 如果你是一滴水,你是否滋润了一寸...+阅读


survivable adaptable fiber-optic embedded work

Satellite munications

Satellite munications entails microwe radio, line-of-sight propagation from a transmitting earth terminal (i.e., usually ground-based but potentially ship or airborne) through the atmosphere and outer space media to a satellite, and back to earthbound receiving terminals. In essence, satellites are equivalent to orbiting microwe repeaters.


In SWAT, a scenario is an iteration of an RFW project. A scenario holds the design detail work units that are associated with the project. By creating multiple scenarios, you can pare pricing and scheduling options. A scenario has three different statuses. A Working status indicates that the scenario is under reivew. A Posted status indicates that a scenario has been identified as the official design. A Final Posted status indicates that a scenario is the "as-built" version of the project.


synchronous digital hierarchy


software defined work


Small Exchange Carrier Access Billing


In a work, a server is equipment that makes ailable file, database, printing, facsimile, munications or other services to client terminals/stations with access to the work. A gateway is a server that permits client terminal/station access to external munications works and/or information systems.

Service Management System (SMS)

In virtual private works, SMS is a facility used to build and maintain a VPN database allowing customers to program specific functions for unique business applications. The SMS contains plete specifications of customer defined private work specifications including location data, numbering plan, features, screening actions, authorization codes, calling privileges, etc. This information is downloaded (transmitted) to work control points (NCPs) which implement its instructions on a customer-by-customer basis.

Service Order (SO)

A service order is a record that describes a customer request to establish, change, or terminate a service. The service order contains all information required to meet a customer's needs.


single frequency

Shielded Twisted Pair

Shielded twisted pair is twisted copper paired wire cable with an outer metallic sheath surrounding insulated conductors. See unshielded twisted pair.


A signal is usually a time-dependent value attached to an energy propagating phenomenon used to convey information, for example, an audio or sound signal in which the data is characterized in terms of loudness and pitch.


Signaling is the process of generating and exchanging information between ponents of a telemunications system to establish, monitor, or release connections (call handling functions) and to control related work and system operations (other functions).

Signaling System No. 7, SS &emsp7

SS&emsp7 is an international mon channel signaling system remendations established by the CCITT.

Simple work Management Protocol (SNMP)

SNMP is the application protocol offering work management service in the Inter suite of protocols. A structure for formatting messages and transmitting information between reporting devices (agents) and data collection programs. Developed jointly by the Department of Defense, industry and the academic munity as part of the TCP/IP protocol suite; ratified as an Inter standard in Request for (ment (RFC) 1098.


Simplex is a transmission path capable of transmitting signals in only one direction.

Single Mode Optical Fiber(s)

Single mode optical fibers he sufficiently small core diameters in relation to the welength (frequency) of operation that electromagic (light) we is constrained to trel in only one transverse path from transmitter to receiver. This requires the utmost in angular alignment of light emitting devices at points where light enters the fiber and results in higher transmitter/termination costs than multimode fiber systems. See multimode optical fiber(s).


station message detail record


switched multimegabit data system


station management technology


Systems work Architecture


subscriber work interface


Simple work management protocol. See Simple work Management Protocol (SNMP).


Service Order


Service Order Code


synchronous optical work

Space Division

Space division is a switch that implements the switch matrix using a physical, electrical, spatial link. Where older space division switches used electro-mechanical mechanisms with metallic contacts, modern space-division switches are implemented electronically using integrated circuits. (Usually denoted by "S" in bined time and space division switches).

Special Services

Special services are any of a variety of LEC and IXC switched, non-switched, or special rate services that are either separate from public telephone service or contribute to certain aspects of public telephone service. Examples include PBX tie trunks, foreign exchange (FX) and private line services. These services are important to business telemunication planners/users.


switched service work


signaling system

Station Equipment

Station equipment is a ponent of telemunications systems such as a telephone or data terminal, generally located on the user's premises. Its function is to transmit and receive user information (traffic), and to exchange control information with the work to access munications services.


synchronous transfer mode


shielded twisted pair or signaling transfer/point


me Format (SF)

Superframe format is a framing format (D3/D4——mode 3), the most widely used T1 carrier framing format in which the bipolar bit stream is anized into superframes each consisting of 12 frames. To ensure timing, the signal must consist of at least one "1" bit in every 15 bits and at least :3 " 1" bits in every 24 bits. See extended superframe.

Supervisory Signals

Supervisory signals are signals used to indicate or control the states of circuits involved in a particular switched connection. A supervisory signal indicates to equipment, to an operator, or to a user that a particular state in the call has been reached and may simplify the need for action.

Switch Matrices

Switch matrices are the mechanism that provides signal paths between its input and output terminations. Modern matrices are electronic and involve either time or space division switching. A time division switch employs a TDM process, in a time-slot interchange (TSI) arrangement. In space division, a physical, electrical, spatial link is established through the switch matrix. Whereas older space division switches used electro-mechanical mechanisms with metallic contacts, modern space-division switches are implemented electronically using integrated circuits.


Switching refers to the process of connecting appropriate lines and/or trunks to form a desired munications path between two station sets, or more generally, any two arbitrary points in a telemunications work. Included are all kinds of related functions such as signaling, monitoring the status of circuits, translating address to routing instructions, alternate routing, testing circuits for busy conditions, and detecting and recording troubles.

Switching Systems

Switching systems are interconnect transmission facilities at various work locations and route traffic through a work.

Systems (Manual Circuits)

In Plant Records and Assignment, these terms refer to circuits whose work elements he been assigned manually rather than by automatic assignment.

Systems work Architecture (SNA)

SNA is IBM's proprietary deion of the logical structure, formats, protocols, and operational sequences for transmitting information units through and controlling work configuration and operation.

Search Vehicles - Sources that offer a variety of methods to obtain information on the (e.g. catalogs, directories, search engines, spiders).

Secure Inter Protocols - A set of security rules or standards that determines how puters talk to each other on a work.

Serial Line Inter Protocol (SLIP) - See Dialup Service

Shell Access - Basic Dialup Access to the Inter offering e-mail and mail forwarding, tel, FTP and IRC.

Single Bill Fee - Many long distance panies are now adding a fee to the phone bills of customers who are billed for long distance service through their local phone panies. TDS Long Distance does not charge this fee.

Slamming - When a telephone customer’s long distance service has been switched from one long distance pany to another without the customer’s permission. This is illegal.

SLC - Subscriber Line Charge. A monthly fee paid by telephone customers. The money is used to pensate the local telephone pany for part of the cost of maintenance and installation of the telephone wire, poles, and other facilities that link a customer’s home to the telephone work.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) - A method of transferring e-mails between puters on a work.

SLIP - See Serial Line Inter Protocol or Dialup Access

SLiPPP (Serial Line Inter Point to Point Protocol) - A popular Dialup Access service that es with a Shell Account, a dedicated IP address, a unique Domain Address and high-speed 28.8 modems.

SMDS - See Switched Multimegabit Data Service

SMTP - See Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

Spectrum - Federal government designation of a range of frequencies for a category of use or uses. For example, the Federal munications mission (FCC) allocated the 1900 MHz band for personal munications services. Allocation, typically acplished in years-long FCC proceedings, tracks new technology development. However, the FCC can shift existing allocations to acmodate changes in spectrum demand. As an example, some UHF television channels were recently reallocated to public safety.

State Subscriber Line Charge - A charge mandated by some state public service or utility missions to pensate the local phone pany for part of the cost of providing local telephone lines associated with state services, i.e. intrastate long distance and local exchange services.

SSL - The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a mon protocol for managing the security of data transmission over the Inter. You can tell if a Web page is encrypted by looking for the "lock" graphic within your browser window. Sites that need to transfer sensitive information such as passwords and credit card information from the browser to the server must he SSL enabled. TDS uses SSL for your protection.

Subscriber - The party identified in the account records of a mon carrier as responsible for payment of the telephone bill. (1.) Any adult person authorized by such party to change telemunications services or to charge services to the accounts; or (2.) any person contractually or otherwise lawfully authorized to represent such party.

Switch - A device that opens or closes circuits, pletes or breaks an electrical path.

Switched Multimegabit Data Service (SMDS) - A new standard for extremely high-speed data transfer (up to 34 Mbps).



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