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wide area work


World Administrative Radio Consortium


Wide-area telemunications services. See Wide-area telemunications services.


amplitude (magnitude) versus time representation of signals.

Wide-Area Telemunications Services (WATS)

WATS is a service permitting customers to make (OUTWATS) or receive (INWATS) long distance voice or data calls and to he them billed on a bulk rather than an individual call basis. The service is provided by means of special private access lines connected to WATS equipped central offices. A single access line permits inward or outward service but not both.


Wink-Start is a supervisory signal that consists of an off-hook followed by an on-hook signal, exchanged between two switching systems. The wink-start signal is generated by the called switch to indicate to the calling switch that it is ready to receive address signal digits.


Work Order

Work Area

In a premises distribution system, a work area is an area containing stations and the connections between those stations and their telemunications (information) outlets.

Work Order

A wo

rk order is the basic engineering document that adds, modifies, or removes work ponents (capital assets). It is the tracking mechanism that all telemunication panies use to add or remove ponents from their capital base.

WAN - Wide Area work. A data munications work which expands a LAN to link up with other LANs in remote buildings.

Web Site - A collection of Web documents that Inter users can access to learn information about a particular subject or pany.

Webmaster - The person responsible for the production and maintenance of a Web site.

Wi-Fi - A technology that provides short-range, high-speed data connections between mobile data devices (such as laptops) and nearby Wi-Fi access points (hardware connected to a wired work).

Wireless - Voice and data telemunications technology that uses the radio-frequency spectrum rather than wires for transmitting and receiving voice, data and video signals.

Wireline - A conventional (wired) telephone work versus a wireless work.

World Wide Web () - A HyperText system that allows users to nigate, or look through, linked documents and resources.

- See World Wide Web


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