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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

11.Canadian import declaration form 111 fully signed and pleted 完整签署和填写的格式111加拿大进口声明书

The Stipulation for Shipping Terms

1. Loading port and destinaltion装运港与目的港

(1)despatch/shipment from Chinese port to… 从中国港口发送/装运往……

(2)evidencing shipment from China to…CFR by steamer in transit Saudi Arabia not later than 15th July, 1987 of the goods specified below 列明下面的货物按成本加运费价格用轮船不得迟于1987年7月15日从中国通过沙特阿拉伯装运到……

2.date of shipment 装船期

(1)bills of lading must be dated not later than August 15, 1987 提单日期不得迟于1987年8月15日

(2)shipment must be effected not later than(or on)July 30,1987 货物不得迟于(或于)1987年7月30日装运

(3)shipment latest date… 最迟装运日期:……

(4)evidencing shipment/despatch on or before… 列明货物在…年…月…日或在该日以前装运/发送

(5)from China port to … not later than 31st August, 1987 不迟于1987年8月31日从中国港口至……

3.partial shipments and transhipment 分运与转运

(1)partial shipments are (not) permitted (不)允许分运

(2)partial shipments (are) allowed (prohibited) 准许(不准)分运

(3)without transhipment 不允许转运 (4)transhipment at Hongkong allowed 允许在香港转船

(5)partial shipments are permissible, transhipment is allowed except at… 允许分运,除在……外允许转运 (6)partial/prorate shipments are perimtted 允许分运/按比例装运

(7)transhipment are permitted at any port against, through B/lading 凭联运提单允许在任何港口转运

Date & Address of Expiry

1. Valid in…for negotiation until… 在……议付至……止

2.draft(s) must be presented to the negotiating(or drawee)bank not later than… 汇票不得迟于……交议付行(受票行)

3.expiry date for presention of documents… 交单满期日

4.draft(s) must be negotiated not later than… 汇票要不迟于……议付

5.this L/C is valid for negotiation in China (or your port) until 15th, July 1977 本证于1977年7月15日止在中国议付有效

6.bills of exchange must be negotiated within 15 days from the date of bills of lading but not later than August 8, 1977 汇票须在提单日起15天内议付,但不得迟于1977年8月8日

7.this credit remains valid in China until 23rd May, 1977(inclusive) 本证到1977年5月23日为止,包括当日在内在中国有效

8.expiry date August 15, 1977 in country of beneficiary for negotiation 于1977年8月15日在受益人国家议付期满

9.draft(s) drawn under this credit must be presented for negoatation in China on or before 30th August, 1977 根据本证项下开具的汇票须在1977年8月30日或该日前在中国交单议付

10.this credit shall cease to be ailable for negotiation of beneficairy's drafts after 15th August, 1977 本证将在1977年8月15日以后停止议付受益人之汇票

11.expiry date 15th August, 1977 in the country of the beneficiary unless otherwise 除非另有规定,(本证)于1977年8月15日受益人国家满期

12.draft(s) drawn under this credit must be negotiation in China on or before August 12, 1977 after which date this credit expires 凭本证项下开具的汇票要在1977年8月12日或该日以前在中国议付,该日以后本证失效

13.expiry (expiring) date… 满期日……

14.…if negotiation on or before… 在……日或该日以前议付

15.negoation must be on or before the 15th day of shipment 自装船日起15天或之前议付

16.this credit shall remain in force until 15th August 197 in China 本证到1977年8月15日为止在中国有效

17.the credit is ailable for negotiation or payment abroad until… 本证在国外议付或付款的日期到……为止

18.documents to be presented to negotiation bank within 15 days after shipment 单据需在装船后15天内交给议付行

19.documents must be presented for negotiation within…days after the on board date of bill of lading/after the date of issuance of forwarding agents' cargo receipts 单据需在已装船提单/运输行签发之货物承运收据日期后……天内提示议付

The Guarantee of the Opening Bank

1. We hereby engage with you that all drafts drawn under and in pliance with the terms of this credit will be duly honored 我行保证及时对所有根据本信用证开具、并与其条款相符的汇票兑付

2.we undertake that drafts drawn and presented in conformity with the terms of this credit will be duly honoured 开具并交出的汇票,如与本证的条款相符,我行保证依时付款

3.we hereby engage with the drawers, endorsers and bona-fide holders of draft(s) drawn under and in pliance with the terms of the credit that such draft(s) shall be duly honoured on due presentation and delivery of documents as specified (if drawn and negotiated with in the validity date of this credit) 凡根据本证开具与本证条款相符的汇票,并能按时提示和交出本证规定的单据,我行保证对出票人、背书人和善意持有人承担付款责任(须在本证有效期内开具汇票并议付)

4.provided such drafts are drawn and presented in accordance with the terms of this credit, we hereby engage with the drawers, endorsors and bona-fide holders that the said drafts shall be duly honoured on presentation 凡根据本证的条款开具并提示汇票,我们担保对其出票人、背书人和善意持有人在交单时承兑付款

5.we hereby undertake to honour all drafts drawn in accordance with the terms of this credit 所有按照本条款开具的汇票,我行保证兑付

In Reimbursement

1.instruction to the negotiation bank 议付行注意事项

(1)the amount and date of negotiation of each draft must be endorsed on reverse hereof by the negotiation bank 每份汇票的议付金额和日期必须由议付行在本证背面签注



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