

11月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[怎样早期发现孩子的听力缺陷]有人认为胎儿期就能听到母亲的声音,这可说明孩子的听力发展很早。听力的发展,是孩子认识能力提高的重要组成部分,与语言功能有着极密切的关系。 刚出生的婴儿就有对声音的反应...+阅读

网考托福有机英语:听力题参考样anic English for TOEFL iBT: Sample Listening Questions


愿意自测的同学,请先不要看底下的题目。现在请按右键点击光盘图形8 ,下载存盘后再听(或按左键直接听,如果网速够快的话)。听的时候,请做笔记,并根据录音的指示,进行做答。


Now we will listen to a lecture about Social Psychology, a topic in the Social Sciences.


Narrator: Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.

1. What is the main topic of the lecture?

A. How peer pressure affects behior

B. How people choose friends

C. Why neighbors develop conflicts

D. Why cognitive dissonance harms relationships

2. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.


Why does the professor say this:


A. To indicate that it is not actually true

B. To admit that she’s been thinking of a solution

C. To inform the student that there are many such situations

D. To tell the student that’s the correct answer

3. What factor correlates most highly with whom a person selects as a friend?

A. Socio-economic background

B. patible personality

C. Physical distance

D. Emotional rewards

4. What is social exchange theory?

A. Helping one another in a munity

B. Changing friends after moving to a new place

C. Exchanging ideas as part of ongoing munication

D. Using cost-benefit analysis to determine relationships

5. Listen again to part of the lecture. Then answer the question.


Why does the professor say this:


A. To prove that special occasions bring friends close together

B. To suggest ways to sustain close relationships

C. To show that proximity makes a difference

D. To illustrate how people can best make new friends

6. According to the lecture, in the experiment about college students and their prospective dates, what would the students most likely think about the prospective dates for other people?

A. They would think the other people’s prospective dates were extremely attractive.

B. They would think the other’s people prospective dates were inferior to their own.

C. They would think that the other people’s prospective dates were just pretending because it was an experiment.

D. They would think that the other people’s prospective dates were mysterious.






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