

11月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读


radio 

[误] There are two radioes in the classroom.

[正] There are two radios in the classroom.

[误] I heard the weather report through the radio.

[正] I heard the weather report on the radio.

[析] 在收音机中听到某事应为hear something on the ra dio,听收音机应为l isten to the radio. 这样的用法还有电视,看电视为watch TV,讲在电视上看见什 么节目为watch…on TV,如: I'm watching the football match on TV. 但注意,作为 一种通信手段时应为by radio, 如: Police are talking to each other by radio. rain 

[误] There is a small rain falling.

[正] There is a light rain falling.

[误] There is a big rain.

[正] There is a hey rain.

[析] 大雨在英文中应为a hey rain, rain cats and do gs 为倾盆大雨,小雨 为a light rain. 千万不要讲a big rain 或a small rain. 当作动词讲时,雨下得很 大可译为: It rains very much now/hard now/heily now.

reach 

[误] We reached to the town very late.

[正] We reached the town very late.

[析] reach作为到达讲是及物动词,而arrive为不及物动 词。但要注意reach的词组 搭配,如reach for, 为伸手去拿,如: The thief reached for the gun. reach ou t伸出手,如: He reached out and took an interesting book.

ready 

[误] You must ready at once.

[正] You must be ready at once.

[析] ready为形容词,而不像中文中准备为动词。

remember 

[误] I didn't remember closing the door, so the thief c ame into the room directly.

[正] I didn't remember to close the door, so the thief came into the room directly.

[析] remember其后接动名词,动名词所表示的动作已经做完, 如: I don't remember meeting you. 其后如接不定式,不定式表达的动作还没有去做,如: Do remember to tur n off the light before you lee.

rest 

[误] The rest of the students is girls.

[正] The rest of the students are girls.

[析] rest作剩余部分讲时,the rest of…结构作主语时 其谓语动词应与of后面的名词的数保持一致。这种用法还有1/3 of, 80% of等。

[误] The rest of the work are done.

[正] The rest of the work is done.

return 

[误] My friends returned back to their second home town .

[正] My friends returned to their second home town.

[析] return即为返回,所以back是多余的。

这句话还可以 表述为: My friends went back to their second home town.


[误] We had a few rice and some bread.

[正] We had a little rice and some bread.

[析] rice为物质名词,为不可数名词。


[误] We had a few rice and some bread.

[正] We had a little rice and some bread.

[析] rice为物质名词,为不可数名词。

rich 

[误] The country is rich of oil.

[正] The country is rich in oil.

[析] be rich in 为盛产……。

[误] The rich is not always happy.

[正] The rich are not always happy.

[析] 形容词加定冠词表示一类人,作主语时要作复数看待。

[误] All his riches is no good to him if he is so ill.

[正] All his riches are no good to him if he is so ill.

[析] riches为财富,是复数名词,没有单数形式。像这 样的词还有goods(货物),greens(青菜),manners(礼貌)等。


[误] We like swimming on the river.

[正] We like swimming in the river.

[误] We like boating in the river.

[正] We like boating on the river.

[析] 游泳用in the river,而在湖中划船要用on the river.


[误] There are already three people sitting on the sofa , please try to make a room for her.

[正] There are already three people sitting on the sofa , please try to make room for her.

[析] room作为空间讲时为不可数名词。lee room for… 为给某人留点空地; make room for…为让位给某人,如: The young man made room for an old woman.


[误] I ran across with an old friend at the school gate .

[正] I ran across an old friend at the school gate.

[析] run across 为偶然相遇。

[误] The truck ran across the cat.

[正] The truck ran over the cat.

[析] run over为从……上辗过。

[误] Yesterday I ran to a storm on my way home.

[正] Yesterday I ran into a storm on my way home.

[析] run into为撞上或撞在……上。



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