
English is not so hard to learn

11月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[学英语是重要的It’sImportanttoLearnEnglish]学英语是重要的(It's Important to Learn English) English is widely used throughout the world. So many people speak it as a second language. ()n line, you'll find l...+阅读

I he been learning English for several years.In my opinion it is the easiest langueage to learn. I tried to learn some German and some Russian but I couldn't learn them well.English is a mixture of a lot of langueges, brought about by the fact of England being invaded, so many times by different nationalities.

I try to remember some new words everyday and try to speak English with some natives therefore more or less I can grasp something by learning it.

also I went to Shanghai Chenhuang Temple, I read the couplets there which I can type it out in Pinyin: zuo ge hao ren, ren zheng xin an hun meng wen, duo xing shan shi, tian ming di jian gui shen qin.

I can understand it but how to translate it into correct English? I thought about it hard but at last I think, I got it right.

would u like to translate it yours for me? thank you!


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