

06月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求七年级下英语易错题]一、填空:1. We have Chinese, English and some subjects.2. Why don't come here by bike?(改为同义句)3.he likes to play football after class?(对画线部分进行提问)4.she lik...+阅读

One day an elegant(高雅的) young lady walked into a hat shop.“Good afternoon, madam,” said the shopkeeper with a smile. “Can I help you?”“Yes, please,” said the young lady. “There is a green hat with red hands on it in your window. Would you please take it out of the window?”“Certainly, madam,” said the happy man. “I shall be very pleased to do that for you.” Usually ladies looked at a lot of hats before they finally chose one. So the shopkeeper was happy because he thought he could sell that hat without much trouble. “Do you want it in a box, madam?” he asked.“Oh, no,” said the lady. “I'm not going to buy it. I only want you to take it out of the window. I have to walk past your shop every day, and I always feel sick when I see that ugly thing!”49 . Which of the following is true? A、 The hat was ugly. B、 The young lady looked at a lot of hats before she finally chose one. C、 The young lady told the shopkeeper to take the hat out of the window. D、 The young lady wanted to buy the hat. 50 . A shopkeeper is a man______. A、 who serves in a shop B、 who sells something in a shop C、 who has a shop of his own D、 who looks after a clothes shop 51 . The shopkeeper was happy because ______. A、 he sold out all the hats B、 he thought he could sell the hat easily C、 he helped the young lady D、 the young lady was beautiful 52 . The young lady ______. A、 was kind &nbs


...but I am pretty heathy.I exercise every day, usually when I come home from school.My eating habits are pretty good .I try to eat a lot of vegetables.I eat friut and drink milk every day.I never drink coffee.Of course,I love junk food too,but Itry to eat it only once a week.Oh,and sleep nine hours every night.So you see,I look after my heath.And my healthy lifestyle helps me get good greads.Good food and exercise help me to study better.译:我很健康。我每天从家到学校都有锻炼。我的饮食习惯也不错。我尽量吃很多蔬菜。我每天都要吃水果,喝牛奶。我从来不喝咖啡。当然,我也喜欢吃零食(垃圾食品),不过我尽量一周只吃一次。我每天都要保证九个小时的睡眠时间。所以正如你看到的一样,我关注我的健康。我的健康生活方式帮助我取得优秀的成绩。良好的食物和锻炼帮助我更好的学习。


应该指出,答案有误。我认为要选ACDBD。1.In the movie theater, Kenny was___。 在剧院kenny表现粗鲁(rude)。(西方人在公共场合观看演出时一般关掉手机或调为振动,这是一项基本的礼仪,不遵守即为粗鲁。)2.In the story, “Be quiet” means”___”。其他观众对kenny说了“Be quiet”表示不满, 自然是代表“you should be quiet”(你该保持安静。)3.Why were the people in the theater angry?D项说明kenny谈了电影的内容,他甚至把结尾谁是凶手的谜底给说出来了,这自然让其他认真观看影片的群众失去了悬念,没了胃口,所以生气。4.Kenny's friend___。 选B。文中“You saw it before?”这句代表kenny的朋友看过此影片,知道电影的内容,并告诉了kenny。5.The other people in the theater might say:____. 选D。(The other people 深受kenny不关手机之苦,自然更可能说这句“You should turn off your cell phone in the theater.”你在剧院时应该关掉手机。



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