

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[学做Presentation3]一般来说,统计数字可以增加presentation的可信度。Daphne早就准备好以一连串的数字来说服她的观众;她成功的主要因素之一就是能有效地运用各种统计数字与数据。Most of Taiwa...+阅读


The statistics I've just given show that Taiwan is definitely a youth-oriented market, and will remain so for another ten years. The panies that successfully target this segment he higher sales and larger market shares year in and year out. I've prepared a few diagrams showing which panies dominate the market, and the types of advertising they use to keep their sales.


This bar chart shows the top four panies and their market shares: the American Jonny a quarter of their budget goes to magazine and newspaper ads, and the remainder is for purchasing advertising and posters placed in shops where their products are sold.



1. youth-oriented 以年轻人为导向的

youth是"青少年人"的意思。基本上各年龄层的泛称有:children(小孩)、teenagers(青少年)、adults(成年人)和the elderly(老年人)。

I suggest youth-oriented mercials when we introduce the new cereal.


2. year in and year out 每年;年复一年

In 和out在这里是指"出"、"入",也就是"来"、"去"的意思。"年来年又去",给人一种连续不断的感觉,有强调的意思。其实它就是指 every year、year after year。

Year in and year out, Ven-Ven is a leader in creative advertising.


3. lead the pack 群雄

Pack 常用的意思是"包;捆",如:a pack of cigarettes


Because she studied hard, she led the pack in the race to get into a good university.



● 图表的说法与用途

1. What we he here is a bar chart showing...

2. Our monthly sales are shown on this X/Y graph.

3. These three pie graphs each present...

4. The next diagram illustrates...

基本的图表通常有chart、graph 和 diagram。这三个词在意义上原本有细微的差异,但现已互相通用了。图表的种类有很多,最常使用的几种是 bar chart条形图,line chart曲线图(又称 X/Y graph,X/Y坐标图),以及 pie graph圆形百分比图。条形图使人容易看出单一方面的数目,譬如业绩;圆形百分比图则可以看出每一方面占整体的比率。X/Y坐标图能让人清楚地看出两个因素之间的关系,譬如"每月"的"业绩"。每提到一个图表时,要先说出该图表的种类或名称。

● 指出图表某部份

1. The longest bar is...

2. This group of thin wedges shows...

3. The lowest point on the graph is…

解释图表内容时,将每个部份所代表的数字或比率说出来即可。但解释百分比图时,也可加入每个项目彼此或与整体之间的关系,譬如 the largest(最多的……)及 the remainder(其余的……)。另外,在圆形百分比图中的每一部分都可以称为 wedge(扇形)或 slice(片),如 "the smallest wedge / slice shows..."。至于X/Y坐标图就比较复杂,并行线称为 X axis(X轴),垂直线称为 Y axis(Y轴),图上的任何 (X,Y)坐标都是一个 point


● 说明图表的意义

1. This bar chart shows the growth in our sales.

2. Here is a graph showing the growth in our sales.

3. Each bar on the chart represents the growth in our sales.

4. The wedges on this pie graph illustrate the growth in our sales.

5. This diagram focuses on the growth in our sales.

说明图表的意义要简单明了,一句话就能让听众明白。例如文中提到条形图时,立刻表明这张图分别代表the top four panies 和 their market shares(这些称为图表的 factor(s));而看到圆形百分比图时,就表示这张图 "shows a breakdown of their advertising..."。注意,表示整个图所代表的意义用动词 show,而表示图中各部分的要用 represent。



学做Presentation1Daphne所属的公司,为 EarthSound 拟定了一份打入台湾市场的行销企划。待众人坐定之后,Daphne带着从容和悦的神情,起身上台开始了这场presentation。Good afternoon and thank...
