
the nights这首歌的歌词中文意思

04月28日 编辑 39baobao.com

[The Friendship of the Tortoise and the Eagle]The Friendship of the Tortoise and the EagleIt was not often that the tortoise and the eagle met, for the one spent his days in the clouds and the other in the...+阅读

Have no fear 我没有恐惧

For when I'm alone 当我孤身一人

I'll be better off than I was before 我比以前境况更好

I've got this light 我找到了一线光明

I'll be around to grow 我正在长大

Who I was before 我以前是谁?

I cannot recall 我想不起来了

Long nights allow me to feel... 漫长的夜晚让我感觉。。。

I'm falling...I am falling 我正在降落

The lights go out 灯熄灭了

Let me feel 让我感觉

I'm falling 我正在降落

I am falling safely to the ground 安全地落在地面


I'll take this soul that's inside me now 我接受我体内的灵魂

Like a brand new friend 它像一个崭新的朋友

I'll forever know 我永远熟知的朋友

I've got this light 我找到了一线光明

And the will to show 我有表演的愿望

I will always be better than before 我永远都会比过去更强!

Long nights allow me to feel... 漫长的夜晚让我感觉。。。

I'm falling...I am falling 我正在降落

The lights go out 灯熄灭了

Let me feel 让我感觉

I'm falling 我正在降落

I am falling safely to the ground 安全地落在地面

the nights歌词谐音

求采纳~ the nights-avicii hey, once upon a younger year 嘿 还年少时 when all our shadows disappeared 我们所有的掩饰都消逝 the animals inside came out to play 尽情释放内心的狂野 hey, when face to face with all our fears 嘿 当我们直面恐惧时 learned our lessons through the tears 从眼泪中汲取教训 make memories we knew would never fade 深知这些回忆使我们抹不去的曾经 one day my father he told me 有一天父亲对我说 son, don't let this slip away 孩子 别让这时光溜走 he took me in his arms,他将我拥入他怀中 i heard him say 我听到他说 when you get older 当你长大后 your wild heart will live for younger days 你狂野的内心会伴你度过这青葱年华 think of me if ever you're afraid 如果你害怕就想想我说的话 he said, one day you'll leave 他说 总有一天 this world behind 你将会离开这个世界 so live a life you will remember 就活出你的人生 这回忆值得你铭记 my father told me 父亲对我说这些时 when i was just a child 我还只是个孩子 these are the nights that never die 这些夜晚永远不会逝去 my father told me 父亲对我说 when thunder clouds start pouring down 当风暴乌云席卷而来 light a fire they can't put out 点燃无法熄灭的火焰 carve your name into those shinning stars 将你的名字刻入那闪耀的繁星中 he said go adventure far 他说 离开海岸 beyond these shores 去远方冒险吧 don't forsake this life of yours 永远不要放弃你的人生 i'll guide you home no matter 无论你身处何处 where you are 我都会指引你回家 one day my father he told me 有一天父亲对我说 son, don't let this slip away 孩子 别让这时光溜走 when i was just a kid,我还是个孩子时 i heard him say 我听到他说 when you get older 当你长大后 your wild heart will live 你狂野的内心会 for younger days 伴你度过这青葱年华 think of me if ever you're afraid 如果你害怕就想想我说的话 he said, one day you'll leave 他说 总有一天 this world behind 你将会离开这个世界 so live a life you will remember 就活出你的人生 这回忆值得你铭记 my father told me 我还只是个孩子时 when i was just a child 父亲就对我说了这些话 these are the nights that never die 这些夜晚永远不会逝去 my father told me 我的父亲对我说 these are the night that never die 这些夜晚永远不会逝去 my father told me 我的父亲对我说 my father told me 我的父亲对我说


日不落 的英文版是:Bodies Without Organs - Sunshine in the Rain 歌词:When I'm in Berlin you're off to London When I'm in New York you're doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone Wishing we could be more telepathic Tired of the nights I sleep alone Wishing we could redirect the traffic And we find ourselves a home Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I'm not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Even if we call the highest power We can only do one town a time Words are not enough action speaks louder Second time around Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I'm not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Oh oh la la la Oh oh la la la When I'm in Berlin you're off to London When I'm in New York you're doing Rome All those crazy nights we spend together As voices on the phone Can you feel the raindrops in the desert Have you seen the sunrays in the dark Do you feel my love when I'm not present Standing by your side while miles apart Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain Sunshine in the rain Love is still the same Sunshine in the rain 翻译:当我在柏林而你已离开到了伦敦 当我在伦敦而你在罗马 我们一起度过了那么多的疯狂的夜晚 当声音在电话里响起 希望我们能够心灵感应的 一个人孤单的睡觉是多么疲惫的一个夜晚 希望我们能再一次跑出来 然后在家里看到对方 在沙漠里你能感觉到雨滴吗 在黑暗里你能感觉到阳光吗 当我不在的时候你感觉到我的爱了吗 虽然只相隔几英里的距离但是我会一直在你左右 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天 虽然我们在竭力的召唤 我们只能在同一城市同一时间做一件事情 说的再大声 言语还是不够的 第二遍 在沙漠里你能感觉到雨滴吗 在黑暗里你能感觉到阳光吗 当我不在的时候你感觉到我的爱了吗 虽然只相隔几英里的距离但是我会一直在你左右 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天 Oh oh la la la Oh oh la la la 当我在柏林而你已离开到了伦敦 当我在伦敦而你在罗马 我们一起度过了那么多的疯狂的夜晚 当声音在电话里响起 希望我们能够心灵感应 一个人孤单的睡觉是多么疲惫的一个夜晚 希望我们能再一次跑出来 然后在家里看到对方 在沙漠里你能感觉到雨滴吗 在黑暗里你能感觉到阳光吗 当我不在你身旁你能否感觉我的爱了 虽然只相隔千里但我的心会一直伴你左右 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天 在沙漠里你能感觉到雨滴吗 在黑暗里你能感觉到阳光吗 当我不在的时候你感觉到我的爱了吗 虽然相隔千里的距离但是我的心会一直伴你左右 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天 阳光总在下雨天 爱一直是不变的 阳光总在下雨天


When I'm in Berlin you're off to London 当我在柏林时你正起飞去伦敦 When I'm in New York you're doing Rome 当我在纽约时你正在罗马 All those crazy nights we spend together 所有那些我们共同度过的疯狂的夜晚 As voices on the phone 就像电话里的声音一样飘渺虚幻了 Wishing we could be more telepathic 希望我们能够更加有心灵感应 Tired of the nights I sleep alone 因为我厌倦了那些独自睡眠的夜晚 Wishing we could redirect the traffic 希望我们能够改变交通的航道 And we find ourselves a home 并且我发现自己在一所房子里 Can you feel the raindrops in the desert 你能感觉在沙漠中的雨季吗 Have you seen the sunrays in the dark 曾看见过在黑暗中的曙光吗 Do you feel my love when I'm not present 当我不在的时候你感觉到我的爱了吗 Standing by your side while miles apart 即使远隔千里我也仍旧在你身边 Sunshine in the rain 风雨中的阳光 Love is still the same 爱依然如故 Sunshine in the rain 风雨中的阳光 Sunshine in the rain 风雨中的阳光 Love is still the same 爱依然如故 Sunshine in the rain 风雨中的阳光 Even if we call the highest power 甚至我们高声呼唤 We can only do one town a time 尽管只做那么一次 Words are not enough action speaks louder 虽然语言不如行动那样深入人心 Second time around 但是回音却会久久不散 Can you feel the raindrops in the desert 你能感觉在沙漠中的雨季吗 Have you seen the sunrays in the dark 曾看见过在黑暗中的曙光吗 Do you feel my love when I'm not present 当我不在的时候你感觉到我的爱了吗 Standing by your side while miles apart


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