

12月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[美国布朗大学优势特色]立思辰留学360(: .sll/)介绍,布朗大学不论是在学术上还是在非学术方面,特别强调和崇尚自由。其本科生课程也因此备受美国高等教育界人士的推崇。在这里,学生都被当作成人平等对待...+阅读

英国:布朗首相是个工作狂?! Gordon Brown may well be proud of his workaholic reputation but not all of his ministers feel the same way.

And yesterday, perhaps believing she was acting in his best interests, Hazel Blears advised the Prime Minister to get out and he a "bit of fun".

The munities Secretary was responding to a report that Mr Brown had been surviving on two or three hours of sleep a night and was increasingly "exhausted".

Suggestions that lights are seen in his study until 2am or 3am, only for him to be back at his desk at 5am, were dismissed by Downing Street sources.

Asked by the BBC's Andrew Marr if it was true that Mr Brown was "shattered and ratty", Miss Blears replied: "He's certainly not ratty."

But he did "work hard" and was under "stresses and strains".

Challenged on whether she thought he was working too hard, Miss Blears added: "Well, at Christmas I was delighted when he took two weeks off, had a holiday with his family.

"I think it helps all of us as politicians. You know, we're not super-human and we get tired.

"And I think it helps all of us if we he a bit of a break.

"And I think a balance in a politician's life, a bit of fun as well as a bit of hard work, is probably the best place to be."

Mr Brown's summer holiday in Dorset lasted just four hours. It was cut short when he returned to London to deal with the foot and mouth crisis.

Later, he visited his Scottish constituency with his family.

Professor Cary Cooper, head of psychology and health at Lancaster University, said Mr Brown's personality type meant he was driven and ambitious.

He added: "It's very difficult for these people to relax.

"But in the long run, when they are under a lot of pressure, they do tend to be fairly stress-prone.

"I suspect Mr Brown's Scottish Presbyterian background also means he believes that to achieve, you he to work hard.

"But no matter how robust you are, and how guilty you feel about taking time off, everyone needs a break."

Downing Street said Mr Brown was "relaxed" about Miss Blears's remarks.




















may well:很可能……(例如:They may well spend the holiday apart. 他们很可能没在一起过节。)


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