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Commission Agreement PART A: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Add: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PART B: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Add: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. ( Date: June 22, 2003. Place: XXXXX, China. ) L/C NO.: xxxxxx L/C Amount: USD xxxxxx Commission Value: USDxxxxxx Goods: XXXXXX Part A and Part B reached an agreement of commission under the captioned letter of credit as follows: 1) Part B should pay Part A the commission within 7 working days after received the L/C payment from your customer. 2) The commission payment should be carried out by Telegraphic Transfer to Part A's Bank information as follows: Beneficiary: Bank: Add: The detailed commission value is as follows: Total L/C amount is USDxxx*5%=USDxxx (But commission can not exceed $10,000.- in each L/C.) SAY USDxxxxxxONLY. The quantity and amount will go up and down according to the actual shipment. The agreement is of two original copies, Part A and Part B hold one copy each. ) (Chop and Authorized Signature) (Chop and Authorized Signature满意请采纳


售 货 确 认 书 编号 No. RWPN10050 SALES CONFIRMATION 日期 Date: JAN,29.2010 The Sellers: The Buyers: 兹经买卖双方同意成交下列商品, 订立条款如下: 价格条件: Price term:……………………………………. FOB NINGBO The undersigned Sellers and Buyers have agreed to close the following transactions according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 品 名 、规 格 及 包 装 数 量 单价 金 额 COMMODITY, SPECIFICATION AND PACKING QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT BABYS 100% POLYESTER JACKET US$0.00 BABYS 100% COTTON SWEATER US$0.00 总 值 ( TOTAL VALUE: ) 总金额: USD 0.00 装运期限 目的地 SHIPMENT:FEB,15.2010 DESTINATION :NEW ZEALAND 付款方式 贸易条款: PAYMENT : By 100% confirmed & irrvocableT/T to be available TRADE TRIMS:Country of Original:China by sight draft, reaching the Sellers days before the month of shipment, remaining valid for negotiation in China for further 15 days after the prescribed time of shipment,allowing transhipment & partial shipments. COMMISSION 5% TO SGS HONG KONG LTD. 一般条款 (GENERAL TERMS:) 1. 质地 、重量 、尺寸 、花型 、颜色均允许合理差异 。

对合理范围内差异提出的索赔 , 概不受理 。 Reasonable tolerance in quality, weight, measurements, designs, and colors is allowed, for which no claims will be entertained. 2. 买方对下列各点所造成的后果承担全部责任: (甲)使用买方的特定装潢, 花型图案等 ; (乙)不及时提供生产所需的规格或 其他细则; (丙)不按时开信用证; (丁)信用证条款与售货确认书不相符而不及时修改 。 Buyers are to assume full responsibilities for any consequences arising from: (a)the use of packing,designs or pattern made to order; (b)late submission of specification or any other details necessary for the execution of this Sales Confirmation; (c) late establishment of L/C; (d) late amendment to L/C inconsistent with the provision of this Sales Confirmation. 3. 买方应在收到本售货确认书十天内签退一份给卖方 。

如在此期限内不提任何异议, 本售货确认书即生效。 Buyers should sign one copy of this Sales Confirmation and return it to Sellers within 10 days after rceipt. If nothing is proposed to the contrary within that time, this Sales Confirmation will be effective. 4. 自货物到目的港起30天内, 经发现货物质量、规格、数量与合同规定不符者, 除那些应由保险公司或船方承担的部分外, 买方可以凭卖方同意的公证机关出具的检验报告要求索赔。但中国商检机关检验合格的除外。 Except the claims for which the insurance company or the owners of the vessel are liable, should the quality, specification or quantity be found not in conformity with the stipulations of the sales confirmation, the buyers may, within 30 daysafter the arrival of the goods at destination, lodge with the sellers a claim which should be supported by an Inspection Certificate issued by a public surveyor approved by the Sellers. But finished products whose quality has been accepted by China Inspection Community will not be respossible for above mentioned words. 5. 如买卖双方发生争执, 由宁波市中级人民法院受理。

All disputes in connection with this Sales Confirmation or the execution thereof shall be submitted for judgement to NingBo intermediate people's court. 6. 人力不可抗拒的事故造成延期或无法交货者, 卖方不负任何责任 。 Sellers are not responsible for late or non delivery in the event of force majeure or any contingencies beyond Sellers' control. Ningbo China 买 方 (The Buyers) 卖 方 (The Sellers)


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