
英语 1判断正误Surely there are lots of problems

04月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语学习区别美式英语和英式英语]对于Non-Native English Speakers的中国大多数学习英语的人说来,英国人和美国人使用的是完全相同的语言——English。即使有机会去英国或美国留过学的人,倘若不是从事语言研究...+阅读

1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.A 1. (判断正误)Surely, there are lots of problems 【to solve】 in our research so we need to get well prepared in advance. A. 错误 B. 正确 2. (判断正误)Equipped with modem facilities, today's hospitals are quite different from 【those】 of the past. A. 错误 B. 正确 3. (判断正误)But for the help of my English teacher, I would not have won the first prize in the English Writing Competition. A. 错误 B. 正确 4. (判断正误)The man denied going into the neighbor's garden and stealing his cow. A. 错误 B. 正确 5. (判断正误)Mr Smith is coming to visit us soon. We'd better get everything ready before he arrives. A. 错误 B. 正确 6. (判断正误)A few hours ago, a small suitcase with some important papers 【was】 stolen from the general manager's office. A. 错误 B. 正确


( F) Mr is uesd before th first name of a man (Ms用来称呼不知婚姻状况的女士)

( F ) Businessmen in the US have used Ms before a women's name because they mant to make her happy.(businessmen in the United States have used Ms.before a woman's name when they do not know whether the woman is married or not.)

(T ) The word Ms doesn't tell us whether a women is married or not.

( F ) Today all women like to su the word Ms.(年轻人更喜欢)

( T ) Women want to be equal with men (They want to be equal to men in this way)



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