

04月07日 编辑 39baobao.com


Just trying: 歌曲:please forgive me饶恕我吧 歌手:bryan adams演唱:bryan adams still feels like our first night together,-------依然感觉如我们初识的那个夜晚一样 feels like the first kiss,---------------------那初吻的感觉 it's getting' better. baby,------------------而现在这种感觉更加地甜蜜,宝贝 no one can better this.-------------------没人能够让这感觉更加良好 still holdin' on, you're still the one.-------这样的感觉依然如初,你依然是我的最爱 first time our eyes met,------------------------- 第一次我俩目光相触之时 same feelin' i get,--------------------------我已感觉如此 only feels much stronger,------------------内心的爱意更加的火热 wanna love you longer.------------------我只想爱你更多些 you still turn the fire on.-------------你依然柔情似火 chorus: so if you're feelin' lonely, don't,---------如果你感觉孤单,千万别那样 you're the only one i ever want.-----------你是我唯一所求 i only wanna make it good,---------------我只想让这份爱更加情意绵绵 so if i love you a little more than i should--------如果我爱你有些发狂 please forgive me,--------------------请原谅我吧 i know not what i do,----------------我不知应该怎么做 please forgive me,-------------------请原谅我吧 i can't stop lovin' you.-------------爱你情不自禁 don't deny me,-----------------------不要拒绝我 this pain i'm goin' through,---------这种被拒绝的痛楚我正在品尝 please forgive me,-----------------请原谅我吧 if i need you like i do.-------------- 如果我求你像爱你一样爱我 i believe that-----------------我坚信你会的 please believe me ,--------------请相信我 every word i say is true,---------------我所说的句句为真言 please forgive me,----------------请原谅我吧 i can't stop lovin' you-----------------.爱你情不自禁 still feels like our best times are together,--------依然感觉像是我们曾经一起度过的那些最美好时光 feels like the first touch,-----------------就像我们初次触碰的那样感觉 still getting' closer, baby,------------依然越发亲密,宝贝 can't get close enough,-------------------亲密得无以伦比 still holdin' on, still number one.----------我依然守望,你依然是我的唯一 i remember the smell of your skin,----------我记得你的肌肤的芬芳 i remember everything,----------------------记得任何事情 i remember all your moves,--------------记得你所有的一举一动 i remember you.--------------------记得你的一切 i remember the nights,-----------------记得那个夜晚 ya know i still do.--------------你知道我一直如此 chorus one thing i'm sure of--------------我可以确信的是 is the way we make love------------我们相爱的点点滴滴 and one thing i depend on----------我所坚信的是 is for us to stay strong.------------我们可以更加亲密 with every word and every breath i'm prayin',---------每一句话,每一次呼吸,我都在祈求 that's why i'm sayin'------------------------这就是我说这么多的原因所在 please forgive me, i know not what i do,---------请原谅我吧,我不知道该怎么做 please forgive me, i can't stop lovin' you. ----------请原谅我吧,爱你情不自禁 don't deny me, this pain i'm goin' through,----------不要拒绝我,这种被拒绝的痛楚我正在品尝 please forgive me if i need you like i do. --------请原谅我吧,如果我要你像爱你一样爱我。

babe, believe me every word i say is true,-----------宝贝,相信我,我所说的句句是真言。 please forgive me if i can't stop lovin' you.------------ 请原谅我吧,如果爱你情不自禁 never leave me, i don't know what i'd do, -------------永远不要离开我,我不知道如何应对 please forgive me, i can't stop lovin' you. ---------------请原谅我吧,爱你情不自禁 can't stop lovin' you.-----------------------爱你情不自禁


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