

04月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求帮忙写一篇三人英语口语对话]A: Hey , guys , it has been such a long time since last time saw you both, you've changed a lot. How was your life? B:Well, glad to meet you guys again. My life...+阅读

第一题: Punctuality is a good habit and manner peopleshould have. It means that one should do things on time. People usuallymake plansfor their livesor work, and punctuality is the basic requirement to carry out the plan. In our daily lives, we often make appointments with others, and time is one of the most important matters of appointment. If you are late, you would make others disappointed or even angry, so that it would do harm to your relationship with others. On the contrast, if you are punctual, you must wish others punctual too. Punctuality shows your respect to others, because you cherish his or her time. And it will make you respected, too....


Environmental Pollution Write a passage with the words and phrases given: the problem of pollution, cause, artificial substances, release, waste products, industrial production, consumption of goods, bring it under control, agriculture, chemical substancea. Environmental Pollution I read a piece of news recently. It says that in Japan marly businessmen ave selling fresh air to customers.and now it is becoming more and more popular. Why? --Fresh air is getting less and less in Japan, and so is it in the U. S. A. In fact, environmental pollution is a very serious problem the whole world is facing. it is mainly caused by the waste products released from artificial substances, industrial production and increased consumption of goods. Bedsides, the use of chemical substances in agriculture also causes environmental pollution. Look at the sky, you can see that dense smoke is being released from the high and big chimneys; those dirty and poisonous substances are flowing into the rivers that we use for drinking water and millions of tons of waste products are heaping around us. How to change this condition? More and more countries are trying to work out some effective means to bring it under control, but no great success has been made.


I think teachers shouldn't leave a lot of homework for the students .In china,the students also have so many classes in school,as we know,always taking classes is a boring thing. we should relax ourselves . so i think we should study at school ,and when we get home ,we can do something practical and something we interested in. but my idea that teachers shouldn't leave a lot of homework not means no homework. we should have some homework,and do it serious.我认为老师不应当给学生布置太多作业,在中国,学生有太多的课程,正如我们所知,一直上课是一件很无聊的事情。所以我们需要放松自己,在学校的时候学习,回家就做一些实用的和我们感兴趣的事情,但是不要有太多家庭作业并不是没有作业。应当有一定的作业,而且需要我们认真完成。


As we all known,there are some who always on the drink。Why do they become alcoholics? I think there are some reasons.First,it is a require skill of business talk for some employees.Second,some people feel disappointed of the society,they want to forget the sorrow by drinking alcohol.And there are some people,especially some teenagers,they want to show off by drinking. For the above reasons,the most important thing is to have a correct understanding of drinking,and know the bad result of drinking too much.Then hold a possive view about life,do some exercise instade of drinking when you feel sad. Everyone should bear it in mind that if you what to be healthy,do not drink too much. (绝对原创,希望能帮到楼主。)


求按键精灵高手帮忙写一段简单的程序Do 按键码 = WaitKey() If 按键码 = 40 Then //方向键下的按键码为40 此次可改 KeyDown "Alt", 1 KeyDown "F4", 1 KeyUp "Alt", 1 Delay 100 KeyDown "Down", 1 Delay 100 KeyDown...

跪求英语对话!跪求一段有关外贸英语的对话你好,答案仅供参考!A: Hey guys, want to go shopping in Guangzhou? For the latest fashion out there?B: Ye sure, Guangzhou is my favourite place to shop, what about...

模具专业英语翻译求大神帮忙升降头通常是设计成一个矩形块,与 含有uface一侧的削弱和其他 侧倾斜角度为便于运动(参见图6(a))。 因此,头参数来确定 长度(沿释放方向),高度(沿分手 方向),宽度,和。两个步骤的办法...

能不能帮忙写一段三人的英语情景对话就是两个买家买东西一个salesman:S Customer:C S:Hello What can I do for you. C:I would like to buy a kind of sugar that kids love very much. S:We have a lot of sugars for kids .They ar...

求一个英语对话。关于商场购物对话的Mary:What is the shutter speed on this camera? 这款相机的快门速度怎么样? John:It's very fast. You can give it a try. And it is easy to operate. 挺快的,您可以试一...

求简单的一段英语短对话A: Lady/sir ,What would you like to order ? B: Can you recommend the special today? A: How about roast suckling pig? B: What does it taste? A: It had perfect cr...

写一段英语对话Good morning, madam. Can I help you? Good morning. I am Sunfang. Yesterday Mr. Smith told me to come for a job interview this morning. Is he available now? Yes,...

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求同学间帮忙清洗衣物的英语情景对话英语口语求同学间帮忙清洗衣物的英语情景对话英语口语,我还不是很清楚该怎么用洗衣机:生活情景英语对话:《To do the laundry》 Come on, Mary. We have to do the laundry. 走吧,玛丽。...
