

04月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[讲英语的学生用英语怎么说]English-speaking students 讲英语的学生 双语例句 English-speaking students are also taught phonics, but phonics is particularly important for second-language lea...+阅读

fallibility It won't wash truthlessness uncertainty wabble


我觉得此事似乎不可靠。 It looks very suspicious to me. 不适合

勿以外貌取人--外貌不可靠. Don't judge by appearances appearances can be misleading. 不适合

不可靠的联盟 A shaky alliance. 不适合

他是个不可靠的朋友。 He is a faithless friend. 不适合

靠不住的不值得信赖或信任的;不可靠的 Unworthy of faith or trust;unreliable. 不适


1Mac like insects on India. YouXi moth2 for horses have preference, highlighting many works3 WangYu 29, raising the turtle 19 years time, ink, huang, garbanzo turtle, throat turtle, Brazil, crocodile turtle, Burma quite consumedly small 29Keep walking in April5 2006 TongDiao 5 metres highIn 2007, personal TV program...


英语真好佩服请问用英语说聪明怎么说真不想抢别人的生意,但感觉差点味道。You are really good at English. Adorable!聪明: smart clever cute 比较常用smart 英 [smɑːt] 美 [smɑrt] adj. 聪明的;巧妙的;敏捷的;...

我不知道用英语怎么说i don't really know. no ideas about it. dunno. good question. i am not quite sure. i have no idea. i will have to ask someone else. i don't really know about it...

不客气用英文怎么说You are welcome 造句: 1. 不要开始给我找麻烦,否则我就不客气了。Don't start giving me problems otherwise I'll have to be very unpleasant indeed. 2. 对那些朝我按喇叭...

英语怎么说不客气说不客气是:You're welcomewelcome的直接单独说是欢迎,不是不客气的意思 ,不客气的英文是You're welcome , Don't mention it。Not at all是口语中一个十分常见的表达,由于其实...

不正常的用英语怎么说不正常的的英语单词是Unnormal。它的英式读法是['ʌnˌnɔːməl];美式读法是['ʌnˌnɔːrməl]。作形容词意思是不正常的;不规范的。它是normal的反义词。 相关例句: 1、She...

请用英语交流用英语怎么说翻译:Please communicate in English. 读法:【pliːz kə'mjuːnɪkeɪt ɪn 'iŋɡliʃ 】 学习英语的方法和技巧 1.上课时间一定要充分把握,思维跟着老师走。 2.坚持听磁带录...

你说什么用英语怎么说What did you say?你说什么。具体场景: 1、如果是两人去吃饭等场景,需要一人做出决定,如A:Would you like to eat Chinese food or Japanese food?B:it's up to you. (你做决定吧...

我不确定他是否来用英语怎么说I am not sure if he will come . / I am not sure whether he will come or not . ******************************************************************* 加油!不明白再问...

不客气用英语怎么说不客气用英语怎么说,不客气的英文怎么说:“不客气”的英语:You are welcome. 读音:[ju: ɑ: ˈwelkəm]。 you are welcome英 [ju: ɑ: ˈwelkəm] 美 [ju e(r) ˈwɛlkəm] [用于礼...
