[讲英语的学生用英语怎么说]English-speaking students 讲英语的学生 双语例句 English-speaking students are also taught phonics, but phonics is particularly important for second-language lea...+阅读
我的偶像:my idol idol [aidl] n. 偶像, 崇拜物, 幻象, [逻]谬论 习惯用语 make an idol of sb. 崇拜[迷信]某人[某物] make an idol of sth. 崇拜[迷信]某人[某物] e idol 因风度漂亮而备受女性观众欢迎的红演员 idols of the cave 由于离群索居, 性情怪僻 而产生的谬见 idols of the den 由于离群索居, 性情怪僻 而产生的谬见 idols of the forum 由于社会语言的影响而产生的谬见 idols of the market 由于社会语言的影响而产生的谬见 idols of the market-place 由于社会语言的影响而产生的谬见 idols of the theatre 由于传统观念而产生的谬见 idols of the tribe 由于一般人性或种族关系而产生的谬见
My idol is a well-known Singaporean singer called JJ. He showed his great talent in music in his childhood. He practised playing the piano at the age of four and began to compose in his teens. His ambition at that time was to be a singer like Michael Jackson. A few years ago, he took part in a singing competition in Singapore. The audiences were all moved by his music and JJ eventually became runner-up. After that, he luckily became a singer. In 2002, he released his second album----The River South. Faith can remove mountains. It was a great success. Since then, JJ has become one of the most famous singers in Asia. Because of his ability and diligence, I became a fan of his. From his story, I know that if you have a dream, you should protect it! I'll support him forever.
Mon idole
My idol Bill got involved in several scandals.
Cruelty is not an adjunct to my thoughts, it has always been there, but i had to become conscious of it.
But from here on out, you guys are all in my cool book.
provided by jukuu
Christina Aguilera is my idol. i like the fact that she takes chances.
姓名:周杰伦 英文名:Jay Chou 生日:1979年1月18日 星座:摩羯座 生肖:马 身高:173cm 体重:60kg 祖籍:福建 学历:山叶幼儿园,忠孝国小,金华国中,台北县私立淡江高级中学音乐科 专长:写歌、作词、打球 音乐类型:R&B 、中国风 口头禅:屌不屌、P啦、哎呦,不错啊、没有啦 最大优点:孝顺、贴心、词曲创作力强、e世代的新音乐人 最大缺点:害羞、心软、耍酷 经历:淡江中学合唱团钢琴伴奏、公视-里香煎鱼(单元剧)、街头音乐表演家(角色)、TVBS-G 超级新人王年度亚军 家庭状况:(家中独子)父亲周耀中(生物老师,已退休),母亲叶惠美(中学美术老师,已退休) ,外婆。 圈中好友:刘畊宏、方文山、南拳妈妈、s.h.e、王力宏、潘玮柏 、莫文蔚 小时候的梦想:做李小龙 最佳创作伙伴: 方文山 最敬爱的人:外婆、妈妈和爸爸 最喜欢的电影:宫崎峻任何的卡通电影 爱好:写歌、看电影、打篮球、玩电动、变魔术 专精乐器:钢琴、大提琴、吉他、爵士鼓 最爱运动:篮球,健身,练双截棍 最喜爱的物品:鸭舌帽、各类乐器、黑人音乐、银器、口香糖收集 嗜好:球鞋、硬币、古董车和帽子 最喜爱的音乐:R&B、HIP-HOP(实际上什么种类的歌都喜欢) 最喜爱的衣着:自然、舒适、HIP-HOP(简单的T-SHIRT上衣加上短裤) 最喜爱的颜色:蓝色、白色 最喜爱的食物:炸鸡、鸡排(特别是香港太平馆的瑞士鸡翼和肯德基,佳香基),另外还喜欢喝甜的饮料 最喜爱的音乐家:肖邦,李斯特,马友友 最喜爱的演员:李连杰 最喜爱的篮球明星: MICHEAL JORDAN 最喜爱的歌手: USHER,BABYFACE、张学友 第一次词曲创作: 国中时,歌名为《天长地久》 第一次得奖记录: 台湾TVBS—G《超级新人王节目》1997年度亚军 第一首发表歌曲: 三暝三日 粉丝名称:杰迷,杰亲,杰粉 初恋: 国中隔壁班同学 喜欢女孩类型: 长发,瓜子脸,丹凤眼(古典美) 第一次和情人看的电影:7月7日晴 初吻地点:大安森林公园 初恋年龄:15岁 最想去的地方:法国感觉很浪漫,不过有机会想试试上海或北京,乘坐长途火车到内蒙古或新疆,感受变化多端的风光景色。
你英语真好佩服请问用英语说聪明怎么说真不想抢别人的生意,但感觉差点味道。You are really good at English. Adorable!聪明: smart clever cute 比较常用smart 英 [smɑːt] 美 [smɑrt] adj. 聪明的;巧妙的;敏捷的;...
用英语说我丢失了我的手表我必须找到它怎么读英文原文: My watch is missing, and I have to find it. 英式音标: [maɪ] [wɒtʃ] [ɪz] [ˈmɪsɪŋ] , [ənd; (ə)n; ænd] [aɪ] [hæv] [tə; before a vowel; tʊ; stressed...
请用英语交流用英语怎么说翻译:Please communicate in English. 读法:【pliːz kə'mjuːnɪkeɪt ɪn 'iŋɡliʃ 】 学习英语的方法和技巧 1.上课时间一定要充分把握,思维跟着老师走。 2.坚持听磁带录...
我的学习压力大课外活动少。用英语怎么说?I study pressure big, less extra-curricular activities. How to say it in English?? I study pressure big, less extra-curricular activities. How to say it in Engl...
你说什么用英语怎么说What did you say?你说什么。具体场景: 1、如果是两人去吃饭等场景,需要一人做出决定,如A:Would you like to eat Chinese food or Japanese food?B:it's up to you. (你做决定吧...
我的家用英语怎么说“我的32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333431343730家”英语:my home 例句:I look upon this as my home. 我把这当作我的家。 词汇解析: 1、my 英 [maɪ] 美...
这是我的失误用英语怎么说这是我的失误用英语怎么说,这是我的错用法语怎么说:IT'S MY FAULT。 fault 还有错误的意思,也可以说是 这是我的错。相关句子Oh, my fault for the mistake. 哦,这次失误是我的...
脂肪用英语怎么说脂肪用英语怎么说,胖的英语单词怎么写呀:一、脂肪的英文是fat,音标英 [fæt]、美 [fæt]。 二、释义: 1、adj.胖的;肥的;厚的;大量的 You are as stupid as you are fat. 你太蠢的...
用英语怎么说在用英语怎么说在,在中积极用英语怎么说:account for a great proportion in .... account for 英 [əˈkaunt fɔ:] 美 [əˈkaʊnt fɔr] 【释义】说明(原因、理由等);导致,引起;(在...