

03月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[人教版初三英语单词]第2课单词used to 过去经常,以前常常 be interesting in 对……感兴趣airplane 飞机terrify 使害怕;使恐惧be terrified of 害怕……;恐惧……go to sleep 入睡on 开着的;接通的...+阅读

有些字数可能不到10个的,但你可以根据意思自己加几个词进去,这样可以吗?1.The police have been unable to find any trace of the gang.警方一直未能找到那团伙的任何踪迹.2.Their celebrations at Christmas are not unlike our own.他们的圣诞节庆祝活动跟我们自己的并无不同.3.I enjoy getting involved in things in my community.我喜欢参与我社区的事情。4.The meeting mostly concerned trade and agriculture.这次会议主要与贸易和农业有关。5.hearing Martin's confused sorrows turned to optimism.马丁混乱的懊丧心情变成了乐观情绪。6.The two of them politely exchanged whispers,and then they all went home.两人很客气地小声说了几句话,然后他们都回家了。7.We must limit the expense to what we can really afford.我们必须把费用限制在我们经济能力范围内。8.Conciliation may be applied in handling a suit for damages.赔偿诉讼可以适用调解.9.Safety has high priority in factories,so we must take account of it. 工厂里安全至关重要,所以我们必须重视它。

10.The convicts undermined the prison wall and escaped. 囚犯们在监狱墙下挖地道逃跑了。


初中小语法点总结 enjoy doing sth 喜欢 be busy doing sth 忙于。。。 It`s+adj +to do sth . try to do sth. ask sb. to do sth. forget doing 忘记做过某事 forget to do 忘记做某事 remember to do 记得做某事 remember doing记得做了某事 let sb, do sth. make sb. do.sth. like doing sth start to do sth 停下来去做另一件事 start doing sth 停做某事 finish doing sth 完成 admit doing sth承认 deny doing sth否认 practice doing sth练习 would like to do 想要做某事 want to do sth spend......(in) doing sth look forward to doing sth 期待做某事 decide to do sth make a decision onsth/to do sth It takes sb sometime to do sth be going to do sth/will do

(一般将来时态) be able to do sth. (= can+V.) 能够 be angry with sb. 生某人的气 be angry at/about sth. 生某事的气 be born in 出生于 be different from… 和……不同 be full of 充满着…… be filled with be good at 善于 be bad at拙于 be good for 对……有益的 be bad for 对……有害的 be in hospital 生病;住院 be in the hospital 在医院 be late for 迟到 be like 像 be made of (be made from) ……制的;用…….制成的 be/get ready for为。。。准备好 be sure 肯定;确定 teach oneself 自学 refuse to do sth拒绝做某事 want sb to do sth hope to do sth希望 try to do sth 尝试 try not to do sth agree to do sth同意 agree on sth invite sb to do sth邀请 at night 在夜里 at noon 在正午 at once 立刻;马上 at school 在学校上课 at the back of 在……的后面 at the head of 在……的前面 at the moment 此刻 at the same time 同时 at this time of (the) year 在

(一年中)这个时节里 at times 时常;有时 at work 在工作 between…and..两者之间 among….三者或三者以上 (much)too+adj Too mucn+不可数名词 Too many+可数名词复数 Belong to 无被动语态 Would better do sth最好最某事 Would better not do sth最好别做某事 how long ①(时间)多长;多长②(长度)多长 how many/much 多少/多少(钱) how often 多久;多常 how old多少岁


1.There is a good place _________for lunch__(就餐) 2.You had better make sure the alarm clock will go off__in case be latefor school_________(为了上学不迟到) 3.You can have fun _with others__________(和别人玩)after finishing your school work 4.Did he used __to have long hair_________(留长发)? 5.Are they used__to eat much vegetable?_________(多吃蔬菜) 6.You_should shake hands with others__________(应该握手)when you meet people___the first time________(第一次)in our country 7.It is __a fatastic movie_________(精彩的电影) I have ever watched 8._____Don't fall______(不要掉、落下)the vase on the floor 9.He ___wishes________(希望) thar you will make good progress next time 10.They ____may_______(也许) leave for Beijing in 10 hours 2009-01


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