

03月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[火灾发生时如何逃生]火灾逃生方法 第一诀:熟悉环境,暗记出口。 当你处在陌生的环境时,为了自身安全,务必留心疏散通道、安全出口及楼梯方位等,以便关键时候能尽快逃离现场。请记住:在安全无事时,一定要...+阅读

What should you do to be out of free?1。As you sit in any crowd, pick out an exit which is not the one where most persons enter and plan to use if necessary2。 If a rush starts,do not get into it。 Stay still。 Let it pass。 Then go to the exit you hace chosen。3。Do not cry out。 Speak quietly。Act calmly。4。Do not stop fo your hat and coat unless they are at hand5。If there is smoke,crouch。 The best air is about three feet above the floor6。When you are outside the building,stay out。Many dead would be alive if they had not returned for something7。 When you get out,move far from the door so others can get out。


Speech 演讲稿 Hello, everybody! 大家好! Today, I would like to talk about the fire accident. 今天,我想和大家谈谈关于火灾的话题. As everyone knows, 正如大家都知道的 fire is useful indeed, it play an important role in everyday life. 火是很有用的,在我们日常生活中扮演了非常重要的角色。 But the fire accident is very dangerous, because it can destroy everything. 但是火灾却是非常危险,因为它会摧毁一切事物。 And it is so easy to catch fire that even one cigarette end can make a big fire accident. 而且火灾的发生是极其容易的,甚至一根小小的烟头都可能引发一场重大的火灾事故。 So we should pay attention to the using of the fire. 所以我们应该注意火的使用. And, we should study how to put out a fire in the family or public places. 而且我们还应该学会如何扑灭家庭火灾和公共场所的火灾。

So we can protect ourselves from the hurt of the fire. 这样我们就能在火灾中保护自己免受伤害。 In fact, the best way to protect ourselves is to prevent the fire before the fire accident happened. 其实,我们保护自己的最佳方式是要防患于未“燃”。 So I want to say ,it is important for us to prevent fire accidents. 所以我要说的是,预防火灾对于我们来说,相当重要。 I hope everybody can get ready to protect themselves and learn to use fire safely. 我希望大家都做好保护自己的准备,安全用火。 That is my speech today! 这就是我今天的演讲! Thank you for listening! 感谢大家的倾听!


if the fire bursts out we first have to protect people in the building.

we have to notice everybody there is a fire and evacuate them out of the building.follow the exit signs to get out of the building.

than we have to as soon as possible call the fire brigade, that the fire wont spread around the floor. when the fire brigade comes, follow their instructions that it wont come to major accident when they are taking care of the situation.

dont take to many things with you, while running out, just take the necessary belongings.



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