
英文 grey汉语意思是什么

03月19日 编辑 39baobao.com


grey[^rei]adj.灰色的, 灰白的n.灰色greygreyAHD:[gr³] D.J.[grei]K.K.[gre]adj.(形容词)n.(名词)v.(动词)Variant of gray gray的变体GreyGreyAHD:[gr³] Charles (Second Earl Grey) (1764-1845) D.J.[grei]K.K.[gre]NONE(无词性)British politician who as prime minister (1830-1834) implemented parliamentary and social reforms, notably the abolition of slavery throughout the British Empire.格雷,查尔斯:(1764-1845) 英国政治家,任首相(1830-1834年)时,他实行了议会和社会改革, 以其在英帝国范围内废除奴隶制而闻名grey[^reI]adj.灰色的;灰白的She was dressed in grey.她穿了件灰衣服。灰发的She is going grey.她的头发变灰白了。脸色苍白的灰暗的;阴暗的;阴郁的年老的...


grey 英 [ɡreɪ]美 [ɡre]adj. 灰色的; 灰白的vt. 使变成灰色; 使变老vi. 变成灰色; 老化n. 灰色网 络灰色;格雷;灰;灰色的复数: greys过去式: greyed过去分词: greyed现在分词: greying第三人称单数: greys比较级: greyer最高级: greyest派生词:greyish greyly greyness1. a grey, cloudy day 更多牛津灰暗多云的天空来自《权威词典》2. a grey flannel suit一套灰法兰绒西服来自《权威词典》3. His hair was dark, with flecks of grey.他的黑发间有缕缕银丝。来自《权威词典》4. wisps of grey smoke一缕缕灰色的烟雾来自《权威词典》5. Exactly what can be called an offensive weapon is still a grey area.究竟什么可称作进攻性武器仍然难以界定。来自《权威词典》...




英 [greɪ] 美 [ɡre]


1.I like that little gray one. The kids like that one too.

我喜欢那只灰色的小鸭子, 孩子们也喜欢那只。

2.Once again he found himself inside the apartment in the enormous gray house.


3.They get their name not from their skin color, which tends to be olive to gray, but rather from the blue-black color of the inside of their mouth, which they displaywhen threatened.



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