

03月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[年的英语单词是什么]一、年的英语单词是year,音标英 [jɪə(r)]、美 [jɪr]。 二、释义: n.年;年纪;一年的期间;某年级的学生 She's been going steady with Randolph for almost a year now. 她和伦道...+阅读

na.1. strict; rigorous; rigid; stringentHis parents are very strict with him and allow him to go out with his pals in the evening only once in a blue moon.他的父母亲对他很严格,难得准许他和朋友们在晚上一起出去。Banks are still being stingy with credit but households are better positioned than they were to take advantage of cheaper homes.各银行对信贷仍然非常严格,但是与以往相比,现在各家庭做好了更好利用较廉价住房的准备。The South African is one of a select few to have passed the plane's tough training requirements – more than half failed on his course.这位南非人是挑选出的为数不多的达到该型号飞机严格培训要求的人之一,其中超过半数的人都没有通过考试。So a strong deal was cut: if you change those rules you've got to compensate us for the investments we've already made.于是就签订了一个非常严格的协议:如果你要改变规则,你就得赔偿我们已经付出的投资。

They develop an excessive faith in “value at risk” computer models, which seem to calculate their exposure in soothingly rigorous terms.他们对“风险价值”电脑模型产生过度的信赖,这些模型似乎以令人释然的严格性计算出了他们的风险敞口。It had never been printed, and nobody outside the choir had ever seen the music, which was kept carefully guarded.它也从来没有被印刷出版过,因此除了这个唱诗班没有人见过乐谱,那本乐谱一直受到严格保管。Brilliant, extremely focused, high energy, demanding but with a great sense of humour.才华横溢、极其专注、精力充沛、要求严格但非常幽默。But Durkheim did not hold to a rigidly mechanical conception of society.但是,迪尔凯姆并不坚持严格机械论的社会观。如有用请采纳


严格的英语形容词是strict。英 [strɪkt] 美 [strɪkt] adj. 严格的;精确的;完全的例句:There are strict controls on immigration into this country.翻译:移民到这个国家有严格的限制。用法adj. (形容词)


2、strict在句中可用作表语或定语,可用 very 修饰。近义词harsh 英 [hɑːʃ] 美 [hɑːrʃ] adj. 粗糙的;严厉的,严酷的;刺耳的;使人不舒服的;大约的例句:Yorke himself has a harsh face.翻译:约克本人长着张粗糙的脸。短语:be harsh to the taste 味涩...


面试的英语单词是什么面试的英文单词是:interview interview 英 ['ɪntəvjuː] 美 ['ɪntɚvju] n. 接见,采访;面试,面谈 vt. 采访;接见;对…进行面谈;对某人进行面试 So, it is significant to resear...

蔬菜的英语单词是什么greenstuff, vegetable蔬菜 vegetable蔬菜的 haricot蔬菜墩羊肉 mulligan, mulligan stew蔬菜烩肉 garden stuff, greengrocery蔬菜类 truck farm蔬菜农场 greengrocery蔬菜...

生病的英语单词是什么生病 [shēng bìng] fall ill get ill be taken ill 在例句中比较 sicken生病(sickened), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 get sick初中英语常用短语get sb. into 使某人陷入get sick...

书包的英语单词是什么bag. 1.音标 英 [bæg] 美 [bæɡ] 2.具体含义 n.袋,囊,枕套;钱包,手提皮包,财富;〈英俚〉大量,很多 vt.把。。装入袋中,猎获;捕获;得分;抢占 vi.松散地垂挂;鼓胀 3.派生词 第三人称单数...

惊喜的英语单词是什么pleasantly surprised I was somewhat surprised. 我有点惊讶。 His coming surprised me. 他的到来使我感到惊奇。 He was greatly surprised. 他非常吃惊。 He was agreea...

旅游的英语单词是什么tour是类似周游、观光旅游的旅行,比如tour of London, tour of World,一般短语就是on the tour of some place journey是着重于行程时间比较长的旅行,较正式,比如我们在飞机上常...

唱歌的英语单词是什么唱歌的英语单词是什么,唱歌的英文怎么写:唱歌的英语单词是:sing读音:英 [sɪŋ] 美 [sɪŋ]v. 唱;鸣叫;歌颂;称赞;告密n. 合唱会词汇搭配: 1、sing appealingly 有趣地歌唱 2、sing b...

另一个的英语单词是什么另一个的英语单词是什么,地址栏中的是什么意思那些字母各代表哪个单词:另一个: 1. the other one 2. another 3. tother 4. second 5. t'other Examples: 1. 糨糊是用于使一个...

CP是那个英语单词的简称那个英语单词是什么意思CP是那个英语单词的简称那个英语单词是什么意思,什么是CP:CP,Content Provider的简称 CP就是ICP去掉一个Internet ICP的英文是Internet Content Provider,翻译为互联网内容提供...
