

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[地道口语]1、真是稀客。 You are really a rare visitor. 2、你说的头头是道。 What you said sounded reasonable. 3、我真是反应迟钝。 I am really slow-minded. 4、你把我给搞糊...+阅读

-I'm not insane,my mother had me tested.-我没疯,我妈带我做过检查了。-Once again,you've fallen for one of my classic pranks.Bazinga!-你又一次掉进我的经典恶作剧陷阱了。气死你!-I'm clealy too evolved for driving.(S2E5)-很明显,我已经进化到不需要开车了。-Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken.(To Penny S2E7)-女人,你在和一个智慧比你高得多的人较劲。-When you understand the laws of physics,penny,anything is possible. (To Penny S2E7)-当你领悟到物理学的真谛之后,佩妮,一切皆有可能-I suggest rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spork.-我提议石头剪刀布蜥蜴史帕克。-I brought this on myself by being such an endearing ad important part of your life。(To Penny S2E11)-谁让我不小心成为你生命中美好又重要的一部分呢。She calls me moon pie because I'm nummy-nummy and she could just eat me up.( To Penny S2E17)-她之所以叫我小甜派是因为我看起来很可口,她想要一口把我吃掉。

I'm a physicist.I have a working knowledge of the entire universe and everything it contains. (To Penny)-我可是物理学家,拥有整个宇宙及其所有事物的相关知识。-I realize you're also on your own tonight,so if ,at some point, you find yourself with nothing to do,please do not disturb me. (To Penny S2E21)-我知道你今晚也是一个人,如果你万一觉得一个人无聊了,请不要来打扰我。- I realize you're currently at the mercy of your primitive biological urges, but as you have an enti life time of poor decisions ahead of you, may I interrupt this one?(to penny S3E1)-我明白你现在正完全被最原始的野性冲动所控制,可是,反正你这辈子还会有 无数错误的决定,我能不能打断这一个?-You know,I can buy all these things online. I come here for the personal service.(to Stuart S03E05)-你知道我本可以在网上买这些的,我来这就是为了个性化服务的。

-Leonard,when that woman moved in three years ago,I told you not to talk to her, and now look,we're going to be late for the movies.(to Leonard S03E07)-莱纳德,那女的三年前搬进来时,我就告诉你不要搭理她,现在好了,电影我 们是迟到定了。S03E01- Oh,you think you're so clever. Well,let me jus tell you, while I do not currently have a scathing retort, you check your e-mail periodically for a doozy.(to Kripke)-哦,你以为你很聪明,但是让我来告诉你,虽然我现在想不出尖刻的话来反驳 你,但我想到后会发邮件给你的I'm the master of my bladder.我的膀胱我做主。-AFK (away from keyboard)-离线-Drat-该死-FYI-供参考-AKA-换言之

求类似于my folks替换my parents这样的口语地道表达越多越好

口语中的小词:stuff = thingsfolks = people or parentspretty =veryadore =like it very muchshortly=soonspot= see(v.) or place (n.)eye-opening (大开眼界)corny (俗)hang out =playKind of =sort ofLike (像是...)Coz=cause....as well...you know......is a piece of cake =easyDuringWay off base =totally wrongIs no picnic 很折磨人的Get on my nerves 让我烦Kick back and relax 放松Let one's hair downA couple of 几个A bunch of 一些Dozens of 几十Loads of = lots ofMake sense =reasonable....you name it 应有尽有...would be the last thing I want to do. 最不想做的。Get the hang of =understandWhat a shame!...



Nice to see you again!


Do you come here all the time?


The Sha'anxi Historical/History Museum is free to visit, and I (highly) recommend it. There's lots of stuff about ancient China... but they only limit a few thousand visitors everyday.


(So,) what are you doing now in China?


Why did you pick China? (I mean,) what about China that's attracted you?


英语口语--地道口语Don’t sell yourself short 不要看轻自己 I fixed him up with Rose我撮合了他和罗斯 You bet (your) life I would 我肯定会的! Don’t le me down可别让我失望喔 (我有吗...

如何评价生活大爆炸第八季第 24集季终剧情*前方大量剧透慎入* ———————————— Sheldon一开始和Amy说话的声音,和他自己平时说话的声音完全不一样。上一次用这样的声音说话还是第七季在火车上强吻Amy情迷意...

谁能介绍一些比较地道的英语口语学习句子啊什么是地道的英语口语你都不知道?老兄啊!!!怎么能啊!!!快让我告诉你吧!!下面这些都是比较地道漂亮的英语口语,希望对你的英语口语学习有帮助。How about going out for dinner? 出去吃...

生活大爆炸中谢尔顿对物理学的描述Sheldon:I'm a physicist. I have a working knowlge of the entire universe and everything it contains. Penny:Who's radiohead? Sheldon(纠结ing……) 由此可推,radiohead...



生活大爆炸里谢尔顿对于选择位置的经典台词是什么In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, and yet not so close as to cause perspiration. In the summer, it's directly in the path...

生活大爆炸谢尔顿霍华德伯娜黛特霍华德,伯纳黛特,人穷尽一生追寻另一个人类共度一生的事,我一直无法理解。或许我自己太有意思,无需他人陪伴。所以,我祝你们在对方身上得到的快乐与我给自己的一样多。 Howard,Be...

生活大爆炸第三季共几集第三季还有。估计是通常的22-24集吧,大部分美剧都是随拍随映的,看收视率定接下来的拍摄计划,不像我们拍完放映的,所以具体我也不了解。 c bs有播出时间表的,直接访问官网即可 h t...
