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[一级建造师铁路工程模拟试卷二]三、案例分析题(共5题,前3题各20分,后2题各30分) (一) 背景资料 某项铁路工程项目为营业线线路,根据实际地形还需设计桥涵、隧道等,下面就施工安全控制的有关内容提出以下问题 问题:...+阅读



In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the correct answer. Mark your choices on your ANSWER SHEET.


In a very broad sense, legislation plays the same role in France as judicial decisions play in mon law countries. Legislative rules provide the starting point from which lawyers and judges work toward their goal, the most just solution for the problem at hand. Usually the statute provides a clear answer to the problem. In those cases, the statute is strictly applied, more because it is just than because it is a statute. Because of this it often appears that legislation is the law and that the judge’s role is simply to apply automatically the ready-made solutions provided by the legislature. Nevertheless, there are a greatly many cases where the judge’s role is far from creative. The legislature sometimes deliberately speaks in very general terms; it has said that divorce can be obtained where there are serious grounds; contracts must be performed in good faith; a person must repair the damage caused another by his fault; the penalty for a crime can be reduced if there are extenuating circumstances; an act of a government officialis invalid if in excess of his powers. The legislature, however, has not defined serious grounds or fault, nor explained what is required by good faith or what constitutes extenuating circumstances. Of course, statutory law is being applied in all of these cases, but it is essential to recognize that the statute takes on real meaning only as the courts interpret it. The way in which the U.S. Supreme Court interprets the U.S. Constitution can give a mon law lawyer an idea of how French courts interpret the legislation from which they work.

66. When French lawyers and judges strictly apply a statute, it is usually because ____.

A. it provides a just solution to a problem

B. statutes are laws, and must be obeyed

C. the judge’s role is always simply to apply automatically the ready-made solutions provided by the legislature

D. the role of the French judiciary is never really creative

67. The statute that says that contracts must be performed in good faith is an example of____.

A. ready-made solutions provided by the legislature

B. the legislature’s deliberate attempt to speak in general terms

C. a case where the judge’s role is far from creative

D. a case where the statute applies a clear answer to the problem

68. French law says that the penalty for a crime ____.

A. is always rigidly set

B. may be changed as society changes

C. depends on the age of the person mitting the crime

D. can be reduced if there are extenuating circumstances

69. Many statutes which are stated in very general terms____.

A. are strictly applied

B. make the job of the lawyerand the judge very simple

C. carefully define every aspect of those terms 

D. take on real meaning only as the courts interpret them


Campfires twinkled on the beaches and along the causewa

ys near Cape Kennedy. Nearly a million people had e to watch the launch of Apollo 11. Many had sweated in bumper-to-bumper traffic from Cocoa Beach to Titusville the night before. Even at 3 a.m. on this muggy Wednesday morning, the headlights of almost 300,000 cars cut through the darkness, intensifying the excitement. In 6.5 hours, NASA would launch three astronauts in mankind’s first attempt to land on the moon. It was an event no one wanted to miss. 

In Firing Room 1 of the launch-control center, the liftoff team was supervising the hazardous loading of 2200 tons of super-cold liquid-oxygen (LOX) and liquid-hydrogen(LH2) propellants into the massive white pillar of Saturn V. Even at rates of up to 10,000 gallons a minute, the operation would take four hours and was so dangerous that the pad, usually crowded with work trucks and men in coveralls, had been ordered evacuated.

Hundreds of engineers and technicians were hunched over puter consoles, monitoring the thousands of separate systems aboard the three-stage booster and the Apollo spacecraft itself. The posite vehicle was heier than a World War II destroyer. It contained six million parts and a total of 91 engines and motors,making it the most plex machine ever assembled. In theory all this machinery had to work perfectly if we were to succeed in our mission. 

At 4:15 a.m., Deke Slayton, director of flight-crew operations, came to wake Neil Armstrong, Mike Collins and me. In our windowless quarters, we couldn’t tell if it was night or day, or if the weather had held for launch morning. But Deke had a sheath of flapping weather reports. “It’s a beautiful morning,” he said.

“You’ll go.”

Deke and astronaut Bill Anders ate breakfast with us. They were friendly and talkative, but also somewhat distant. The three of us——Neil, Mike and I——were going. They were staying behind.

70. What type of writing is the written material?

A. It is a story told by one of the flight crew of Apollo11.

B. It is a news report filed by a correspondent on the spot.

C. It is a diary written by a member of the liftoff team.

D. It is a written statement presented to NASA.

71. Why had nearly a million people e to watch the launch of Apollo 11?

A. They had e to intensify the excitement.

B. They just wanted to show their support for the national project.

C. It was mankind’s first attempt to land on the moon and no one wanted to miss the historic event.

D. They didn’t believe the mission would succeed.

72. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The Apollo spacecraft was the most plex machine ever assembled.

B. The liftoff team had been evacuated from the spot several hours before the operation.

C. Hundreds of engineers and technicians were involved in the operation.

D. If all this machinery worked perfectly the operation would succeed definitely.

73. In the last paragraph why did the author use the word distant?

A. Because they lived far from each other.

B. Because they worked in different departments.

C. Because they were indifferent to each other.

D. Because only three of them would participate in the operation.


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