

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

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Intel says to sell quad-core chips in November


Intel Corp. (INTC.O) said on Tuesday it will start selling chips with four processing cores in November as the world's biggest microchip maker tries to build a lead over rival Advanced Micro Devices Inc.(AMD.N).


The chips, unveiled by Chief Executive Paul Otellini at an Intel forum, will hit the market a month or two earlier than expected, but analysts said they would do little to stem market share lost to AMD since they will initially only target high- end servers and gaming puters.

这款芯片是由首席执行总裁Paul Otellini发布在一个英特尔论坛上,其面市的时间比预期提前一到两个月。但是分析人士认为这款芯片对于挽回AMD夺取的市场份额于事无补,因为他们首选的目标客户是高端服务器和电脑游戏玩家。

"It gives them technology bragging rights," said Nathan Brookwood, head of industry research firm Insight 64.

专业研究机构Insight 64的老板内森·布鲁克伍德说:“这在技术上给了他们吹嘘的权利。”

"Even with the stronger product line from Intel, AMD will continue to gain share for the next few quarters just because of all the momentum they've built up."


Santa Clara, California-based Intel has been losing ground to AMD and hopes new products, bined with steep discounts on older models, will help reverse that slide.

总部设在加利福尼亚Santa Clara的英特尔在与AMD的竞争中失利已经很长时间了,他们希望利用新产品并结合在老产品上巨大的折扣扭转不利局面。

"We still need to pay attention to the fact that many of Intel's mainstream products are still embedded in a dogfight (with AMD). This quad-core is an extreme product, it plays to 1 percent or less of the market," said Douglas Freedman, an analyst with American Technology Research.

“我们需要注意这一事实,就是许多英特尔德产品现在还正与AMD的产品缠斗。这次的四核芯片是一个产品,它将占有不到1%的市场份额,” American Technology Research公司分析师道格拉斯·弗雷曼表示。

Over the past few months, Intel has also announced the sale of two under-performing business units and said it will reduce its work force by 10,000 jobs —— or 10 percent —— to help cuts costs and stay petitive.


Intel shares rose 2.8 percent to close at  19.96, while AMD shares were 2.9 percent to  25.99. Intel's stock is down by about a quarter since the start of the year, pared with a slide of about 17 percent for AMD.

英特尔的股票上涨了2.8%接近了 19.96每股,同时AMD上升了2.9%,达到了 25.99每股。


Intel's current top-end chips he two processing cores, allowing them to better handle multiple tasks at the same time. The pany has forecast that future chips will eventually contain dozens or even hundreds of cores.


The new chips will not he four cores on a single slice of silicon, but instead consist of two dual-core chips stuck together.


AMD has played up that distinction because its quad-core chip due out in mid-2007 will integrate the cores fully, boosting performance by letting them swap data and share resources more easily.


Intel said it will he an integrated quad-core chip when it upgrades its manufacturing technology at the end of 2007 and in 2008. But it maintains that its current approach lets it bring a quad-core product to market faster, using existing production techniques and with a lower rate of defects.


"The approach we've taken is to being first. We expect to ship very large volumes of quad-core in servers before we expect our petitor to ship any," said Steve Smith, Intel's vice president of desktop platforms.


The four-core desktop chip will go on sale under the Core 2 Extreme brand and will be 70 percent faster than its dual-core predecessor, while the server version will be sold under the Xeon brand and boost performance by 50 percent, Intel said.

英特尔表示,四核笔记本芯片将用Core 2 Extreme的商标出售,比双核处理器快70%,同时用于服务器的芯片将用XEON的商标出售,可以提高50%的效率。

Cheaper versions of the chips are due out in early 2007.



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