

03月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[磨难人生中当你看到这篇短文的题目的时候一想题就上面的问题提出问]1. 只有经受住磨难考验的人,才能成就最终的辉煌或磨难是人生最好的礼物。 2. 写了了只有经受住磨难考验的人,才能成就最终的辉煌。 3. 举世闻名的贝多芬35岁时双耳完全失聪,但...+阅读

1.___Were____ they ___feeding______(feed) the animals at 5:00 yesterday afternoon.2. Mrs. Green __wasn't washing_______(not wash) clothes at this time yesterday.3. Grandpa __was mending______ (mend) his clock when I reached home.4. As I __was walking______ (walk) in the pack , I saw some children playing games.5. We _were testing______ (test) the now machine when the electricity ___went______(go) off.6. My father _was watching________(watch) TV while my mother _was cooking________(cook)dinner .7. It ___stopped______ (stop) raining a moment ago .8. Please remember ___to finish_________(finish) your homework on time .9. What about ___swimming_______ (swim) with us ?10.Tony spent two hours ___watering_________(water) the flowers yesterday.11.Who made the little boy ___cry________(cry) again ?12.The old man enjoys __lying________(lie) in the sun .13.Tom would like ___to drink______(drink) a cuo of tea .14.We decided __to visit________ (visit) the Summer Palace next Monday.15.I __started_______ (star) to do this job two dats ago .but I _haven't finished_______ (not finish) it yet .


FAIR在英文中fair是传统形式的展览会,也就是集市与庙会。Fair的特点是“泛”,有商人也有消费者,有农产品也有工业品。集市和庙会发展到近代,分支出了贸易性质的、专业的展览,被称作“exhibition”(展览会)。而继承了“泛”特点的,规模庞大的、内容繁杂的综合性质的展览仍被称为fair 。但是在传入中国时则被译成了“博览会”。因此,对待外国的“博览会”,要认真予以区别:是现代化的大型综合展览会,还是传统的乡村集市。 EXHIBITION在英文中exhibition 是在集市和庙会基础上发展起来的现代展览形式,也是被最广泛使用的展览名称,通常作为各种形式的展览会的总称。 EXPOSITION。Exposition起源于法国,是法文的展览会。在近代史上,法国政府第一个举办了以展示、宣传国家工业实力的展览会,由于这种展览会不做贸易 ,主要是为了宣传 ,因此,exposition便有了“宣传性质的展览会”的含义。

由于其他国家也纷纷举办宣传性质的展览会,,并由于法语对世界一些地区的影响,以及世界两大展览会组织:国际博览会联盟和国际展览会局的总部均在法国,因此,不仅在法语国家,而且在北美等英语地区,exposition 被广泛地使用。 SHOW在英文中show的原意是展示,但是在美国、加拿大等国家,show已替代exhibition。在这些国家,贸易展览会大多称作show,而宣传展览会被称作exhibition。


show show [ʃo; ʃou] ( ~ed [od; oud]; shown[on; oun],(美)~ed) 及物动词 1 出示,露出 【同义字】 show 把东西给人看 display 将东西的美与优点展示 exhibit 为引人注目而在公众面前展示 expose 将隐藏的东西曝露 a. 出示S~ your ticket, please. 请出示你的票 This picture ~s a variety of dogs. 这张照片里有各种狗 → show one's face,show one's hand ~ one's teeth → tooth 成语 b. 给看 "This is a new coin."- "S~ me.". “这是新硬币”“给我看” c. 给看; [给人]看[to] He ~ed me his photos.= He ~ed his photos tome. 他给我看他的照片 d. 给看… I ~ed the doctor where my leg hurt. 我给医生看腿伤的地方 e. 显示…The photo ~s them sitting on a bench. 该照片显示他们坐在长凳子上 2 a. 使…看得见,使…注意到; 显出,露出 That color will not ~ dirt. 那颜色不会看得出脏来 [那颜色耐脏] Your coat is ~ing signs of wear. 你的外套显出磨损的痕迹 That dress ~s your slip. 那件衣服 (太短) 使你的内衣露出来 b. [~ oneself]出席,出现 I doubt if he'll ~ himself at such a big party. 我怀疑他是否会出席如此盛宴 3 a. (在评审会等) 展出; 展示,陈列He got a prize for the dog he ~ed. 他展出的狗获奖 b. 上演What do you think of the films shown at that cinema?. 那家电影院上映的影片你认为如何? 4 a. 表现,露出His face ~ed (his) disappointment. 他面露失望之色 She ~ed no interest in shopping. 她对于购物不表兴趣 b. [~ oneself]出现,表现A woman's age often ~s itself in her face. 女人的年龄常显露在她的脸上 Her fear ~ed itself in her speech. 她的恐惧流露在她的言词之间 c. 对表示; [对人]表示[to, toward] He didn't ~ me any friendliness. = He didn't ~ any friendliness to me. 他对我没有任何友好的表示 [他对我一点也不亲切] d. (文语)[对人]垂[on, upon] Lord, ~ your mercy upon us. 主啊,请垂怜我们吧 5指示 [显示] … The thermometer ~s ten below zero. 温度计指著零下十度 The clock ~s just 6 o'clock. 时钟指著六时正 6 a. 对指出I'll ~ you the way to the station. 我指给你到车站的路(cf. 7 d) b. 引导,带领(到…) ~ a person in [out] 把人引入 [送出] He ~ed me into his room. 他带我进入他的房间 The lady was shown into the drawing room. 那位女士被引进客厅 He ~ed her to the door. 他送她到门口 My friend ~ed me around (the) town. 我的朋友带我四处游览该镇 7 a. 把…弄清楚; 证明,说明 He ~ed the man's innocence. 他证明那个人的无辜(cf. 7 b,7 c) b. 把…弄清楚,证明…He ~ed the man to be innocent. 他证明那个人是无辜的(cf. 7 a,7 c) c. 把…弄清楚,证明He ~ed that the man was innocent. 他证明那个人是无辜的(cf. 7 a,7 b) d. 对指出…,指给… Please ~ me the way. 请做示范给我看(cf. 6 a) e. 明示,指出That ~s how happy she is. 那说明她是多么的快乐 f. 使明白…,给指出… I'll ~ you that it is very foolish. 我会使你明白那是很愚蠢的 g. 使明白,告知I'll ~ you how foolish it is. 我会使你明白那是多么的愚蠢 She ~ed me how to make a knot. 她教我如何打结 不及物动词 1 a. 出现,可见,显现 Your slip is ~ing. 你的衬衣露出来了 Her embarrassment ~ed in her face. 她面露窘态 b. 显现… The walls ~ed white in the moonlight. 那道墙在月光中显现白色 2 (口语)露脸,出现,来到 3 (口语)上映 [上演] What's ~ing at that theater?. 那家电影院在上映什么片子? 4 (美) (赛马时) 跑第三名,入围 (cf. place v.i.) have nothing to show for ?在…方面没有可显示的成绩,乏善可陈 I've had nothing to ~ for all these thirty years of work. 我对于这三十年来的工作,没有什么成绩可言 [乏善可陈] it goes to show (that?) 成为…的证明 show off

(1) 炫耀,卖弄; 衬托得更好 This dress will certainly ~ off your figure. 这件衣服一定会把你的身材衬托得更美 Mothers will always ~ off their children. 母亲总是炫耀自己的孩子 (2) 炫耀,卖弄 (自己的能力、学问等) ; 做惹人注目的事 He is always ~ing off. 他总是在炫耀自己 show up

(1) 揭发 ~ up an imposter 揭发骗子



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