

11月29日 编辑 39baobao.com

[大班上学期数学课——认识单数、双数]活动目标:1、能初步区分10以内的单、双数。2、在小组活动中能边做边讲操作过程。活动准备:学具:红色圆片(1 10)教具:积木、雪花片若干 1 10的圆点卡片 球一个活动过程:一集体...+阅读



A Very Outgoing1 Person

[1] Alice is a very outgoing person. She spends a lot of time with her friends. She goes to parties. She goes to movies. And she goes to nightclubs. She takes an English class every weekend. She knows everyone in her class. She's very popular.

[2] She also likes sports very much. She plays basketball. She plays baseball. She plays volleyball. And she also plays golf. She's very athletic2 and she loves being outside.

[3] Alice doesn't stay home alone very often. She doesn't read many books. She doesn't watch TV. She doesn't listen to music. And she doesn't talk on the phone. She's very active. She doesn't like to waste her time inside.

[4] As you can see, Alice is a very outgoing person. She's energetic3 and healthy. She has a lot of friends. I enjoy her pany very much. Everyone loves Alice.


[1] 艾丽丝是个非常外向的人。她的很多时间是和朋友们一起度过的。她去参加聚会,去看电影,她还去夜总会。每个周末她都去上英语课。她认识班里的每个人,她很受欢迎。

[2] 她也很喜欢运动。她打篮球,打棒球,打排球,她还打高尔夫球。她很热爱运动,而且热爱户外生活。

[3] 艾丽丝很少一个人待在家里。她不怎么读书,不看电视,不听音乐,也不用电话跟人聊天。她很活跃。她不喜欢把时间浪费在室内。

[4] 你可以看出,艾丽丝是个非常开朗外向的人。她精力充沛,身体健康。她有很多朋友。我喜欢跟她在一起。人人都喜欢艾丽丝。


1. outgoing adj. 外向的;开朗的

2. athletic adj. 运动的

3. energetic adj. 精力充沛的


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