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[一级建造师铁路工程模拟试卷二]三、案例分析题(共5题,前3题各20分,后2题各30分) (一) 背景资料 某项铁路工程项目为营业线线路,根据实际地形还需设计桥涵、隧道等,下面就施工安全控制的有关内容提出以下问题 问题:...+阅读


Decide which of the choices given below would correctly plete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the correct choice for each blank on your ANSWER SHEET.

Today there are a great variety of types of colleges and universities in the United States. Some are ___26___by the states, others are privately endowed, and ___27___ are supported by ___28___ sects. Some of these institutions focus on a general liberal education; others on technical and practical training, on specialized research, on the fine arts, or on preparation for the practice of a profession. Between 1900 and 1950 college enrollment ___29___ tenfold, and it has grown much greater since then. The students represent all economic levels of society and all races.

State governments and other governmental ___30___, special foundations, and the colleges themselves grant many ___31___ to students with special abilities and to those with ___32___ needs. And the federal government has established a vast program offering long-term loans to students to help them ___33___ their education expenses. The goal is to make higher learning ailable to everyone who is willing and capable, ___34___his fina

ncial situation.

To ___35___ educational opportunity to more of the population, ___36___ schools he been established. These include two-year junior colleges and ___37___ colleges for workers. There are city-supported and state-supported colleges with ___38___ little or no ___39___. Some of them he ___40___ admission policy, so that anyone who has graduated from high school is accepted.

26. A. held onB. backed upC. stood outD. put in

27. A. more othersB. others moreC. still othersD. others still

28. A. religiousB. spiritualC. sacredD. godly

29. A. reproducedB. multipliedC. intensifiedD. strengthened

30. A. agenciesB. anizersC. officialsD. leaders

31. A. opportunitiesB. occasionsC. scholarshipsD. assistantships

32. A. economicalB. financialC. materialD. psychological

33. A. lookB. bindC. keepD. meet

34. A. regardless ofB. with regard toC. in consideration ofD. despite of

35. A. intendB. spreadC. resortD. demand

36. A. less-demandingB. more-demandingC. less-acquiring D. more-acquiring

37. A. extraB. spareC. eveningD. nightly

38. A. refundB. chargeC. exposeD. enlist

39. A. taxationB. depositC. spendingD. tuition

40. A. a closeB. an interC. a transD. an open


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