

02月28日 编辑 39baobao.com


I want to be scared commissionerWelcom to scare an introductory course on, scary without learning, it is good to emboldened to frighten!If you don't scary, that kind of monster?How long is my specialty is a toe, but didn't bring in the odyFrom the heart, you can be various.Since ancient times, children all over the world know, monsters hiding in their cupboard. But they don't know is that these monsters are not always so scary.I love the universityyou are not scary at all, but you are fearless.I are looking forward to this day, in my life I finally to become frightened commissioner.希望可以帮助你...


Monster University is a previous story of Monster Inc., which is a hit this summer. It starts with a tour to the Monster Inc., where Mike's dream of being a Scarer began. He spared no efforts to learn how to be a Scarer and finally managed to go to the Scare College, Monster University. The first day of university, the Dean Hardscrabble appeared with a drastic announcement that anyone failed the exam would be out of the Scare Program. Mike was looked down upon because he was not scary at all, while James P. Sullivan, his classmate, was praised by the teacher because of his roaring and his family. Thus, these two had distinguished lives in college. Mike studied hard every day while Sully fooled around the whole time. Eventually came the exam. Mike and Sully both were kicked out of the Scary Program for the reason they started a fight during the exam. However, they found a way of going back to the scare college—attending the scare game. They struggled to find a team do they could attend they game. No one thought they could win. Nevertheless, games after games, they survived and they won. Unfortunately, Mike found out that Sully was cheating. He got so angry so he stole a key to got to the human world to see whether he was scary or not. Sully went with him and they became good friends by sharing these horrible adventures. They were kicked out of university but they finally squeezed themselves in the Monster Inc, and little by little, they became a Scarer.


大学四级英文谚语中英文对照Sweep before your own door.正人先正已。A hero is nothing but a product of his time.时势造英雄。It is better to trust to valour than to luck.靠运气不如靠勇...

关于英文主持台词etc:ladies and gentlemen,welcome to this XXX compitition.First of all,I 'd like to introduce my partner :XXX,XXX. This time's competition,we have 52 competitors...

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老友记全十季的台词中英文对照word版谢谢楼主您好,对于如果用老友记台词学英语。我个人的经验是,按照每个人的喜好不同,去分别找适合自己的办法练习: 1、听英语教学的老师说,中国人适合听的方式学习英语,楼主可晚上观看双...

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