

02月28日 编辑 39baobao.com



一、出租人: Landlord: 承租人: Tenant: (以下简称甲方) (hereinafter referred to as Party A) (以下简称乙方) (hereinafter referred to as Party B)

二、租赁标的: Tenancy: 甲方同意将____________________及其设备(见附件1)在良好状态下租给乙方。租用分户面积总计约____________________平方米。 Party A hereby agrees to lease____________________and the equipment therein (as described in Appendix 1) in clean and tenantable condition to Party B, the size of the leased property being____________________sqm.

三、租赁期: Term of Tenancy: 3.1 租赁期为______年, 自______年______月______日起至______年______月______日止。 The above property is hereby leased for a term of______years, commencing______and expiring on______. 3.2 租赁期满,甲方有权收回全部出租房屋,乙方应如期交;乙方如要求续租,须在本合同期满前两个月向甲方提出书面申请。 On expiry of this lease, Party A has the right to take back the leased property in full, and Party B must deliver the leased property on or before the date of expiry. If Party B wishes to extend the lease, Party B is required to give written notice to Party A two months prior to expiry of this lease.

四、租金: Rent: 4.1 租金每月为____________美元。 The rent is USD____________per month. 4.2 每月租金一次支付,必须于租赁期每月前十天付清。如乙方逾期未付,须按日加付其租金的0.5%的滞纳金,超过三十天未付视作自动退租,甲方有权按合同5.2条款视乙方为中途退租情况办理。 The rent is payable monthly in one lump sum, before the tenth day of each month. If Party B has not paid the rent by the tenth day, a penalty of 0.5% of the rent will be charged per day. If the rent has not been paid within 30 days, Party A has the automatic right to eject Party B from the leased property, according to clause 5.2 of this Agreement. 4.3 租金以美元为单位用现钞支付。如以支票支付,所发生的费用由乙方负担。 The rent is payable in USD and in cash. If the rent is paid by cheque, all charges incurred will be borne by Party B. 4.4 在本合同有效期内, 租金不予调整。 The rent cannot be increased during the term of this tenancy Agreement.

五、押金: Deposit: 5.1 自本合同签定之日,乙方应向甲方交付______个月之租金额的押金计____________美元。合同期满,乙方如不再续租,并且乙方结清其在租赁期内所用的各项费用后,甲方应将押金在七个工作日内如数退还给乙方(不计利息)。 On signing this Tenancy Agreement, Party B must pay to Party A two months' rental as deposit, totaling USD________. On completion of the tenancy period, if Party B doesn't wish to extend the lease and has paid all charges, Party A must return the deposit in full to Party B within 7 working days (excluding interest). 5.2 乙方如在租赁期内终止租约,押金不予退还。 If Party B stops the Tenancy Agreement before the date of expiry, Party A is not required to return the said deposit. 5.3 乙方如违反合同规定,致使甲方未能如期收取租金或因而发生费用开支,甲方可以扣留部分或全部押金抵付。 If Party B breaks any part of this contract, such as not paying the rent punctually, or if Party B caused damages to the leased property, Party A has the right to retain part or all of the deposit in compensation. 5.4 发生5.3条款情形,押金不足抵付时,乙方必须按接到甲方付款通知后十天内补足。 If Clause 5.3 is brought into effect, and the said deposit is insufficient to cover Party A's costs, Party B should pay the extra amount to Party A within ten days of receipt of Party A's payment. 5.5 押金以美元为单位,用现钞支付。如以支票支付,所发生的费用由乙方承担。 The deposit is payable in USD and in cash. If the deposit is paid by cheque, all charges incurred will be borne by Party B.

六、其它费用: Other Charges: 6.1 乙方在租赁期内所用的水、电和煤气费用,每月按实际耗用量结算,乙方按单缴付。 During the period of the tenancy, all charges for use of water, electricity and gas are payable by Party B monthly according to consumption, and on receipt of bills. 6.2 乙方所用电话按电讯局收费标准,每月根据实际用量结算,乙方按单缴付。 All telephone charges are payable by Party B monthly according to the Telecommunications Bureau standard tariffs, and according to bills received. 6.3 租赁标的的物业管理费由______方按照大厦管理规章,负责按单缴付。 Any charges for the leased property, such as management fees, are payable by____________according to the bill issued by property management office.

七、乙方责任: Tenant's Responsibilities: 7.1 乙方应按本合同




As if he fails to pay his rent, but 30 the lessee shall be made to pay the rent also owed to the party a shall pay breach of contract damages ; 千分之二 年租金 day as if more than 30, party a is entitled to cancel the contract, party b shall be the first place to pay liquidated damages 年租金 25. the lease will run to the full or both sides agreed to terminate the contract, only within ten days after the handover in the first place to handleSix, under the lease will run, because of the reasons for city planning and construction of the contract, party a shall return no rent falls due in part. seventh, party b's agreement to rent for the cost of the other party is entitled to refuse to pay, the dispute resolution as a dispute between the two sides : should be solved through consultation. if no agreement is reached through consultation, no party shall be located in a people's court. the waters Nine and those not included in the contract, both sides agreed to by the annex, as the contract with the contract are equally valid. this contract, party b's permission to get the project, the government allows the start date of operation. eleven, the contract is a enormous enormous enormous enormous enormous enormous enormous enormous enormous and each enormous enormous enormous enormous enormous enormous enormous, enormous enormous have the same legal force.


1。缔约方。本协议的各方是指公寓所有者K_______业主以下简称为“房东”和房客_______和_____以下称房客(如多于一个租户共同称为“房客”)。此处所述的前提只能属于上述被提到的人。租客已完成了租房申请,做为展示件A,房东根据其真实性、完整性、准确性,作为起因订立本协议。本协议是业主和各提名租客之间制定的,提名租客们共同及分别负责本协议项下所有义务,包括,但不限于,支付租金的义务。 2。前提。据此房东租给房客,而房客从房东租用本协议规定的,俗称的 地址


3。条款。 根据这项协议租赁应自12月通过K 和/或将继续在一个月至一个月的基础上直至任何一方发出书面终止通知表示有意终止租约,上述通知必须至少在终止日期的30天前。这段里所指的三十(30)天不限制房东服务租客的任何三(3)天,这是法律规定房东服务于租客的。

4。租金。租客同意每月支付租金,可提前,不迟于每月第一天。这里没有礼貌/宽限期,不允许租金迟于每月的第一天。每月支付的租金将是500美元,应按时付到K ,押金250美元在您的租约到期将退还给您。

5。使用费用包含: 暖气,水,电,水疗,洗衣机/干衣机,冰箱,煤气,烤面包机,烤箱和洗衣房,按件计费。



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