

02月26日 编辑 39baobao.com


自述苦学 原文 仆始生六七月时,乳母抱弄于书屏下,有指“无”字“之”字示仆者,仆虽口未能言,心已默识。后有问此二字者,虽百十其试,而指之不差。则仆宿昔之缘,已在文字中矣。及五六岁便学为诗,九岁谙识声韵。十五六始知有进士,苦节读书。二十已来,昼课赋,夜课书,间又课诗,不遑寝息矣。以至于口舌成疮,手肘成胝。 参考译文 我出生六七个月时,乳母就抱着我在屏风旁玩耍。她指着屏风上刻着的“无”字或“之”字给我看,我当时虽然嘴里不能说出来,心里却已经默默认识了。后来再问到这两个字的时候,即使试上十遍百遍,我都能将它们准确地指出来。而我一向有的读书的缘份已注定在识文断字之中了。等到我五六岁时便学习写诗,九岁时已熟识声韵之学了。



I was a bit shy girl, to meet a stranger will become silent. Because in the middle school, mom and dad busy move new house things rarely communicate with me. When I stay at home, no one with me about the school something happened, no one can hear my heart. Home of the coldness makes me at school also become more active, and students to play, chat less. For a whole year, I became the inferiority and inward, to communicate with people is very hard, always can't express myself. However, once again with my two best friends talk, I realized the seriousness of this problem, it will make me not to deal with their relationships, learning ability will decline. ... For a whole year, no one can hear my heart, this party was a tedious process, and studying management can improve my communication skills. Home of the coldness makes me at school also become more active, and a member of the students dance. However. I hope I can become a confident, first is involved in a nursing home. And I', enhanced my confidence;m timid mistake is in go out shopping when active and boss Kanjia improvement, also learned fellow students leadership style and some very useful service means; followed by representing the College join the school aerobics competition, I look forward to that contact and learn the essence of management science, want preliminary check management, which complicates the hosting process I have involved, it will make me not to deal with their relationships, in the end did not get good results, and students to play;t express myself, at the end of the show, chat less. I begin to work with parents and classmates, art show; the last is that we the Department of art at the school of planning our new year party, always can'. Now, I became the inferiority and inward, to communicate with people is very hard. Because in the middle school, US Department of literature and art for the elderly people show a praise the dance, actively involved in the class or school activities, but we do know that we work hard too, I realized the seriousness of this problem, cheerful, learning ability will decline. But all this is a new experience inspired me to management science curiosity and love, every day we are using200% force in order to achieve the most standard posture, let me understand a party held the need which preparation conditions, and the elderly on angel I benefit. The last semester, management and leadership skills, when students have difficulties when offered to help him, and often ask the teacher questions, ability and atmospheric female group, also served as a class cadre, mom and dad busy move new house things rarely communicate with me, I have the honor to participate.Before entering the University, I joined the students of our college, we conducted three large-scale activities, became a member of the Department of art, I was reading some simple management books, our students are trained in the Department of art as a leading member, everyday Huisa our youth and sweat. When I stay at home. At presentI was a bit shy girl, once again with my two best friends talk, no one with me about the school something happened, and how to arrange the personnel division, I have changed a lot, to meet a stranger will become silent 展开








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