

12月03日 编辑 39baobao.com



All the wisdom of the ages,all the stories that he delighted mankind for centuries, are easily and cheaply __1_ to all of us __2_ the covers of books--- but we must know how to ail ourselves __3_ this treasure and how to get __4_ from it. The most __5_ people all over the world,are _6__ who he never discovered how _7__ it is to read good books.

I am very interested in people,in meeting them and __8_ about them.Some of the most _9__ people I he met existed only in a writer's imagination,then __10_ the pages of his book,and then,again,in my imagination.I he found in books new friends,new societies ,new words.

If I am interested in people.others are interested not so much in who __11_ in how.Who in the books includes everybody from science-fiction superman two hundred centuries in the futureall the way back to the first __12_ in history;how __13_ everything from the ingenious explanations of Sherlock Folmes __14_ the discoveries of science and ways of teaching manners to children.

Reading can make our minds feel pleased,_15__ means that it is a little like a sport;your eagerness and knowledge and quickness __16_ you a good reader.Reading is __17_ ,not because the writer is telling you something ,__18_ becuase it makes your mind work.Your own imagination works together with the __19_ or even goes beyond his.Your experience,__20_ his,bring you to the same or different conclusions,and you ideas develop as you understand his.

1) A useful B new C readable D ailable

2) A in B at C within D with

3) A of B with C for D in

4) A the more B the most C the much D the less

5) A lucky B fortunate C unfortunate D misfortune

6) A these B that C this D those

7) A satisfied B dissatisfied C satisfying D dissatisfying

8) A to find out B finding out C to find D finding

9) A remarkable B notorious C hostile D rude

10) A on B in C off D with

11) A like B and C or D as

12) A number B point C part D figure

13) A recovers B discovers C uncovers D cover

14) A to B in C until D into

15) A that B which C what D as

16) A do B convert C impose D make

17) A fun B funny C uninteresting D exhausting

18) A and B for C since D but

19) A the author B the author's C the piler D the piler's

20) A paring with B pared with C paring to D pared to


1--5 CCABC 6--10 DCBAA 11--15 DDDAB 16--20 DADBB


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