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[英语等级考试二级PETS2听课笔记UNIT2]WORDSTopic 主题/话题Theme 只有主题的意思,theme park / song 主题公园/主题曲Greek adj. She is a Greek girl.Greece n. She is from Greece.Mention doing v.后面+ing...+阅读

PETS2级听力一共分为两部分,第一部分是5道题,就是基本的对话交流,此部分只放一次录音。第二部分为15题,属于4段较长对话和1段独白材料。一般题目的设计为:前两段对话,每段分别有2道题目;第三段对话有3道题目;第四段对话有4道题目;第五段独白有4道题目。题目考点按照录音材料次序排列,题目难度也随着题目次序增强。该节每段录音材料连续播放两次;问题及选项不在考试录音材料中播放,仅在试卷上印出。 二级听力(pets2)在考试前,一般会有一段模拟听力考试,其目的是让考生熟悉一下该级别考试听力的难度和音量,随后就是听力考前提示,只要在考前做过相应的模拟,历年真题听力试题,就知道这些话是一模一样的,听不听随便。如果已经很熟悉前面的提示了,就完全没必要听了,要是不太熟悉,一定要听一下。

之后,会给一段时间去看考题,基本上这段时间足够把所有的题目看完。 听力录音的播放现在基本上都是用录音机播放了,因为录音机播放效果好,声音适中,所以关于播放听力的方式不用担心。最后,PETS2级听力所需时间约为20分钟左右,包含填涂时间,但也要看个人而定。...


1.What's the man doing when the call comes in? A.talking with a secretary B. making a long distance call C. he is about to leave the office. 2. What does the man suggest the woman do? A. talk to her friend B. be brave when in danger C. borrow money from her friend 3. Why is the woman having a hard time? A. feed the children B. children eat a lot C. food costs more 4. What will the man do? A. go to a picnic B. visit Mary C. do some gardening 5. What did the woman expect? A. get a pay raise B. be the new manager C. to change to another department 6. What are the speakers doing? A. talk about the movers B. choose things to pack C. prepare to move 7. What are the speakers planning to do next? A. make a call B. eat out C. go on packing 8. What are they talking about? A. concert B. party C. trip 9. What does the man plan to do? A. visit Jenny B. go to Scotland C.meet friends 10. Who are the speakers? A. brother and sister B. husband and wife C. friends 11. When did the man have his first car? A. when he went abroad B. when he was a student C. when he started working 12. What do we know about his car? A.small B. brown C. ugly 13. What happened to it later? A. he sold it B. he broke it C. he sent it abroad 14. Why was the man invited? A. he is a successful businessman B. he is a famous radio announcer C. he is good at making a speech 15. What skill is important for the man to start his restaurant? A. cleaning … B. waiting at the table C. cooking 16. Where was the man's second restaurant? A. on the western sid of the town B. on the eastern side of the town C. outside the town 17.Where did they stay most during…? A. Modesto B. Fairmount C. at his Cousin's 18. What did they ask the manager to do? A. chain the TV to the table B. operate the TV C. Get a TV 19. Why did the manager give them a roll of paprer? A. to dry themselves B. to replace the toilet paper C. to clean the bathroom 20. How did the woman sound? A. sad B. annoyed C. funny CACAB CBBCC CAAAC ABBAB


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求教一些简单的电气面试问题距离保护是指利用阻抗元件来反应短路故障的保护装置。 差动保护是输入的两端CT电流矢量差,当达到设定的动作值时启动动作元件。保护范围在输入的两端CT之间的设备(可以是线路,...

全国公共英语二级考试pets2大纲具体是怎样的呢大纲解读 一、本次串讲课程针对的对象 针对具有高中优秀毕业生英语水平、准备参加PETS二级考试的考生设计。 二、本次串讲的课时安排 三、PETS考试的背景和PETS第二级考试的...


关于PETS2最好再买本外文社出的口试必备和全国英语等级考试全真模拟试卷第2级。 PETS 二级考试由笔试试卷和口试试卷组成。 笔试试卷(120分钟)包括四部分:听力、英语知识运用、阅读理解...
