

11月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[甲哨唑对我现在有影响吗]我与我老公在7月29日号与8月4日分别同房了~但在30,31。1号打了三天的甲哨唑输液。但现在查出来怀孕了请问这个宝宝能要嘛??/急~~`请求大家帮忙~ 通用名: 甲硝唑注射液 曾用名: 本...+阅读

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a position on the topic: Private Cars’ Effect on Our Life. You should write at least 150 words and base your position on the outline (given in Chinese) below:




Private Cars’ Effect on Our Life

Along with the economic growth, private cars he perated into a wealth of citizens’ lives because of its convenience features. Undoubtedly, the widespread use of cars promotes the social productivity and enhances the economic development. But we are supposed to weigh strengths and weaknesses of the popularity of cars. With the growing prevalence of vehicles, a host of problems he em


To begin with, car emissions are hing an immeasurable effect on the world’s climate. Solid scientific evidence can confirm this harm. Secondly, because the car depends so heily on fossil fuels, it is a major source of carbon dioxide that causes global warming. Additionally, soaring ownership of cars puts tremendous pressure on the limited capacity of current transport system. There is a hey urban traffic flow with frequent traffic jam. These harmful side effects of autos burden our society with unacceptable costs to human health, the environment, and our economy.

So we must reverse this rising trend and promote the mass transportation. Our hey reliance on private cars must be reduced


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