

02月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[《哈佛家训》]作者: [美]威廉·贝纳德 出版社: 中国妇女出版社 开本: 16 上架日期: 2005-10-27 普通价: ¥29.8 详细介绍: 没有哪一本书像《哈佛家训》那样让我们震撼,也很少有一本书像它那样,以不拘...+阅读

还没读这本书之前 Before has not read the book,

我觉得这本书也不过如此 I think this book is just so so,


But after reading this book can feel each of the content of the book contains rich educational meaning and truth of life。

这本书能让我们终生受益 This book can let our whole life,

教会我们如何做人、做事情 Taught us how to behave, do things.

这本书在我们的成长道路上提供了最丰富的成功经验 This book provides a successful experience of the most abundant in our growth path,

为社会培养出更多的人才、精英 To cultivate more talents for the society, the elite,

为他们打下坚实的基础To lay a solid foundation for their.

今天,我读了《哈佛家训》Today, I read "Harvard Family motto".

《哈佛家训》中的每个故事都具有丰富的教育功能和深刻的生活意义 Has the education function of rich and profound meaning of life every story in the Harvard Family motto ",

激发青少年的智慧火花 Inspire young sparks of wisdom

至使他们成为对社会有用的人 To enable them to become a useful person to the society

这本书可以在人生道路上为我们出谋划策 This book can be on the road in life as we give advice and suggestions

当我第一次翻开书 When I first opened the book

我就被它深深吸引住了 I was deeply attracted

图文并茂 both pictures and texts are excellent

通俗易懂 easy to understand

使我懂得了做人的许多道理 Make me a lot of truth to know the person.

它触及了人生中最朴素的感情和人性中最本质的东西 It touched the essence of the most simple life feelings and humanity.

为成长中的孩子提供适合其心理需求的精神养分 Providing spiritual nutrients for their psychological demands for growing children

《哈佛家训》是一本让人受益匪浅的书籍 "Harvard Family motto" is a let people benefit from books

它让我感受到了文学的魅力 It makes me feel the charm of literature

以后我会更加多读这类书籍 I will be more read these books

让我享受人生 Let me enjoy life.

严格来讲语法上应该是没有错误的(我是一句一句仔仔细细翻译的!)若我的回答对您有所帮助,您还算满意的话,(翻译了这么多真的很不容易,可怜一下我吧,采纳一下或者是赞一个也好啊,不然真的会很伤心~~o(>_<)o ~~)望您能够采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!


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