

02月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[怎么用英语写邀请信]邀请信分为两种:一种属于个人信函,例如邀请某人共进晚餐、参加宴会、观看电影、出席典礼等。另一种邀请信则属于事务信函,一般是邀请参加会议、学术活动等等。 一、普通邀请信...+阅读



1. take up

2. take-up

3. takeup

4. up with

5. uptake



1. drop

2. dropt

3. lay down

4. let down

5. plop

6. put down

7. set down

8. stick down

9. vail


英语介绍老师怎么写啊1 Teacher is a great job. They teach their students knowledge and how to be a good person.They make a great contribution to the sociaty. 2 My English teacher is...

台阶用英语怎么写台阶 step,stair 关联词条: sidestep ,pedestal sit box steps step bench terraces 例句: 参观的人成千上万,把台阶踩得不像样子了。 The steps had been worn away by the fe...

月考总结用英语写怎么写The year end is coming, before we move on to the new year, it's high time for all of us to do a review for the year. To me, doing this annual review is like get...

了解过去用英语怎么写Understanding of the past 了解过去 1.knowing foretime 了解过去的事情 1.learn about the past 我了解过去所有的伤痛和问题 1.i know all about the hurt and the probl...

你怎么了用英语怎么写"你怎么了"的英语是:What's wrong with you。 "你怎么了"用英语还可以表达为: 1、What is wrong with you; 2、Is that what you got; 3、What happened to you; 4、What's the ma...

英语贺卡上的贺词怎么写用英语写圣诞贺卡应该怎么写Christmas morning!Children like to wake up early while it's still dark and sneak into the living room to check the presents----find any with their name on it,sh...

学习英语的方法用英语怎么写喔 还有就是 我现在学的ABC天芐英语中心的外教才和我提过,就是想将英语学好是不难的!必须具有适合的研习空间和闇练口语对象 最关键就是外教水平,纯正欧美口音(非东南亚)才是最好...

英语英语怎么写English是英语的英文。 英语(English),属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,是由古代从丹麦等斯堪的纳维亚半岛以及德国、荷兰及周边移民至不列颠群岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊和...

日常生活用英语怎么写“日常生活” "Everyday life 双语例句 1 在我的日常生活中,我很少和青少年打交道。 In the course of my everyday life, I had very little contact with teenagers. 2 青少...
