

12月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[第八十三期]今天单词都有“利益;好处”的意思benefit n.(通过正当手段直接获得的物质或精神方面的)利益;好处※The new regulations will be of great benefit to us all.新规章对我们大...+阅读

1. It is __________________ (当物体加热时)that the erage speed of molecules is increased.

2. In family, she showed her special for toward the youngest son, _____________________ (这使得其他的几个孩子嫉妒).

3. Regarding our current Director of Finance, ____________________ (他去或留) is no consequence to me.

4. The offence which he ___________________ (被控告) carries a hey penalty according to the law.

5. The fact is that Chinese scientists _______________________ (已取得巨大进步)in this field in the past few years.


1. It is when an object is heated (当物体加热时)that the erage speed of molecules is increased.


2. In family, she showed her special for toward the youngest son, which made the others jealous (这使得其他的几个孩子嫉妒)

(本题考查非限定性定语从句,要用which引导,短语“使…嫉妒”的表达方式是make sb. jealous)

3. Regarding our current Director of Finance, whether he goes or stays (他去或留) is no consequence to me.


4. The offence which he is accused of (被控告) carries a hey penalty according to the law.

(本题考查短语“控告” 的考试大表达方式是accuse sb. Of sth)

5. The fact is that Chinese scientists he made great progress (已取得巨大进步)in this field in the past few years

(本题考查短语“取得进步” 的表达方式是make progress)


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